Chapter 8 pt. 1

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All day everybody was talking about the party. I learned that they treat this like a red carpet event except with shorter outfits. Since it was first party as a L.E. Connor "Falcon" I had to dressed to impress.

I was known as a Party Animal back in Maryland. I was nicknamed TK (Temple killer) because of the very high amount of Shirley Temples I slurped into my system in two hours.

When I got home I immediately took a shower and shortly afterwards ransacked my whole closet. Ideas of the perfect outfit racked across my brain , then I laid eyes on the one. My purple strapless above the knee halter top dress. I dressed it up with black 3 inch peep toe pumps & a black tight fitting leather jacket. Scampering into my bathroom once again I straightened my hair ,which was now reaching past shoulder blades, applied winged eyeliner & mascara and to top it off I added some chandelier earrings.

Ready to go I gave myself a once over and headed down the stairs. Saying goodbye to dad & Tannie and took off to Brandon's house. As soon as I got there (like that was a big journey hehe) Derriks truck chugged around the corner. I turned around just in time to catch Brandon exiting his house looking as hot as ever.

A light blue slightly open buttoned up shirt covered up that glorious chest. Cargo pants hugged his waist and regular tan colored sperrys adorned his feet. As walked towards the car he sped up and wrapped an arm around me.

"You ready to go.", he asked rubbing his thumb against my hip.

"HECKS YEA!", I yelled making him laugh as he opened the backseat door for me.

When both of us were settled in Johnny turned around from the passenger seat and yelled:

"Who's ready to PARTY!"

Tonight's gonna be a hell of a night.

20 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~

150 sarcastic comments later we finally reached T.J's house and I was amazed at how big it was. It was one huge beach house or should I say bachelor pad. What a player I bet he bring thousands of girls here to get it on.

Parking in the grass , I looked over the land to see about the whole senior class here. There was a bonfire blazing a few feet away from what looked like a pool. Getting out the car Brandon took my hand in his as we trudged across the grass. Now I could see the house clearer now. Kids were already drunk and if they weren't they were bumping and grinding everywhere. I could here the thumping music from outside the house.

Out of nowhere a scream filled the air followed by a loud splash.

"I'm gonna hit the pool!", Johnny said taking off in that direction.

"I should probably go with him.", Derrik huffed following behind him. Brandon looked over to me. Even in the dark his pale green eyes shined.

"I guess it's just you and me.", I said pulling him towards the house.

"That's fine by me.", he answered back as we stopped infront of the door.

" I give Johnny ten minutes tops... I'm gonna have to carry him out aren't I?", he sighed opening the door.

"Well it's not gonna be me.", I mumbled to myself. I guess it was loud enough for him to hear because I saw him shake his head in amusement and grin at me.

The inside of T.J.'s "Bachelor Pad" was even more grand as the outside. The high ceilings were plastered with red , blue , and green strobe lights. Jason Derulos "Wiggle" blasted through the speakers.

"Welcome to your first Colson party!", Brandon said having to shout over the music.

"Thank you!", I shouted back. Glancing around I saw a bunch of people having the time of there lives. Well it appeared that way for some. Others were in corners looking gloomy and bored while sharing hookah pens. Gross.

I Am Sierra Carter (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now