Chapter Thirty-One

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Ryan bit his lip, unsure of what to say next.

"His..girlfriend?" Lea asked again, not believing this.

"Yeah." She said with another fake smile. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and he didn't even react to it.

"Well this is awkward." I whispered under my breath.

"So you're here to visit him?" Lea asked.

"Of course!" She wrapped her arms around him and tried acting all cute.

"Well, hon, I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm his girlfriend."

She laughed and Ryan had an awkward look on his face. Here was I, observing all of this. "Since when?"

Lea got up from the bench and stood right infront of her. "Since a few hours ago, coming back from a perfect date."

She laughed louder and got in her face. Oh great, a girl fight. "That doesn't make you hisgirlfriend, we are actually dating and have been for 5 months."

She turned to Ryan but I couldn't tell her expression, since her back was to me. "Ryan? Is this true?"

"Yeah, but-"

Sara smiled fake. "Told ya." She grabbed his hand. "Come on baby, let's go back to my hotel."

Ryan didn't do anything, say anything. He gave Lea a "I'm sorry" look and she dragged him away. Lea turned to me, tears in her eyes. "What the fuck just happened?"

I shook my head. "Some bitch just took your boyfriend away."

She groaned and tears fell. "Let's just walk back now, I bet Justin is already done."

All I could do was nodd. I was so upset and mad for her. How could Ryan do this to her? He asked Lea to be his girlfriend yet he already had one? For 5 months? And Lea was crushing on him..I wanted to literally punch him but I knew I couldn't do that.

When we got back to the hotel, Justin was already in the room, watching TV. He saw us walk in and he walked up to me as soon as possible and his smile dropped when he saw me and Lea looked upset. "What's going on? What happened? Where's Ryan?"

"He went back with his..girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? I thought Lea-"

Lea spoke up. "You didn't know?"

Justin looked clueless. "No? What?"

"We went to the skate park and his so called girlfriend walked up to us and asked where Ryan was and she started flirting with him and they came back to us and she said she was his girlfriend and he didn't even protest or say anything and then they walked off."

I was surprised Lea didn't break down in tears. She was more pissed then sad about this.

"Are you serious?" He looked mad now. "Ryan texted me saying he asked you to be his girlfriend, he never told me he was already dating! What was her name?"

"Sara or something." I replied, saying her name in disgust.

His face turned from angry to shocked. "Sara?"

"What?" Both of us asked in confusion.

"Um." He said as he bit his lip. "I know her."

"What? How?" Lea asked.

" and Ryan and Chaz were on the webcam, you know? And we started talking to her randomly and she was flirting with us and asked if we wanted to see, breasts so she flashed us and after that, she found out Ryan's number and started texting him but I didn't know he would be dating her..she's 19 years old."

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