Chapter Seven

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Alli and I walked down the stairs. Everyone had left the room, but I could hear people talking in the background. I squeezed the hand I was holding, letting Alli know she could stand up to her parents. We walked into the kitchen and saw Alli's mom, dad, and step-mom sitting at the table. I felt Alli's body freeze the moment she spotted them.

I looked at her face as she stared blankly into space. "You can do it, I believe in you."

She smiled and started walking towards her family.

Suddenly, her happy face was gone. "Mom, I'm going to the Bahamas with Justin, and you can't stop me. I'm sixteen, that's almost an adult. I should have some freedom with what I do with my life."

Her mother didn't look very thrilled. "No, you are going to Jamaica with us, Allison. You don't have a choice."

Alli's mad face actually looked pretty hot. "I don't care! I am not going with them!" She pointed at her father and step-mother.

Mrs. Hightower looked at me wanting me to convince her to come with them, but there's no way I was going to let her go. "Let's not fight here." I turned to her mother, "Mrs. Hightower, you can trust me with Alli, I won't let anyone hurt her while she's with me in the Bahamas."

She signaled me to move closer to her. Her head was right by my ear as she said, "It's not me who isn't letting her go, it's her father."

I looked at her dad like I was going to punch him in the balls. He looked the same exact way. I walked over to him. "Are you not letting her go because you want to protect her, or do you just want to run the family you don't run anymore?"

"How dare you say I don't run this family anymore! I still am allowed to speak with Alli until she's 18 where she can be free on her own but she's not 18 yet. You don't even know this family, leave Alli alone."

"DAD, I'm not a little girl anymore. And Justin's right, you shouldn't have to run this family. You have your own wife and kids. You only came here for a so called vacation to ruin my life, right?"

"Alli." He was mad, very mad. "You're GOING with us."

"NO I'M NOT." She was now yelling, and to be honest I was surprised. I didn't know what else to do then try to calm her down by saying "Don't get upset" in her ear.

"Alli, why don't you and Justin go out for a walk, me and your father will talk." Her mom said. I sighed and me and Alli walked out and outside.

Then that's when she started to cry again. I held her tight as she cried into my shoulder. "I just..don't..get it. Why does he have to act like he owns me!" She was crying and yelling at the same time.

"I know, I know. I don't know much about him, other then he's a d*uche, but he hardly has been in your life, right?"

"Yeah." She said as she wiped her tears. "Ugh, how many times has been so far that I've cried?"

"That doesn't matter, I'm here for you."

"Thanks." She said silently as she looked down. "Ugh I look like a mess." She said as her fingers went through her hair.

"You do not, you look gorgeous." I smiled, trying to get her to smile back. She gave me a half smile and honestly, it's all I asked for.

"Let's go back to your house now," I held her chin so she would be looking right at me, "Everything will be alright, okay?"

She smiled back at me. I took her hand and walked her back to her house. By the time we got back, her mother was at the door waiting for us to arrive.

"Come in Alli, Justin could you wait out here while she talks to her father?" She said it politely, but I just kept holding onto her hand.

Alli looked at me and I could tell she wanted to do this alone. I let her walk on, waiting as long as I could before she was so far away our arms couldn't stretch anymore to let go of her hand. I watched her walk away trying my best not to look at her butt. I couldn't help myself though, and man, she is fine.

Mrs. Hightower must have noticed, because she had this angry look on her face when I couldn't see Alli through the door anymore. "Hello Justin."

I tried to make this less awkward, but that was impossible. "Uhm, hey Mrs. Hightower. How are you?" I put on my best camera smile that I had recently perfected.

"I'm fine," She didn't seem like she really wanted to talk to the boy her daughter was dating. At least I considered this dating.

I looked out towards the street and wondered what they were talking about inside. Why can't I get Alli off of my mind? I've never felt like this before. She was definitely someone special and I wasn't going to just let her get away. Sure, her room was covered with me, but she wasn't acting like every other fan I've met. She's more down to earth. I don't even know, she seems to understand me, like she's my other half that I've been missing.

Suddenly, I felt someone hug me. I turned around and saw Alli smiling in front of me.

"I can go with you!" She jumped up and down as she hugged me.

I was shocked that her father let her go. "I can't believe this! This is going to be amazing!"

I wasn't going to scream in happiness or anything but I was laughing by the time Alli was doing the happy dance.

I look away from her to see her dad coming out. To talk to me, maybe? "I just wanna say I apologize for before. I can be very stern when it comes to Alli, well it's because I never get to spend any time with her and you know, sometimes I feel like she doesn't want me as her dad and that my kids are the only ones I want but really, Allison was my first."

I nodded. "It's okay, sir I mean I just want the best for Alli and her to be happy and to be honest, I'm glad I have her in my life. I know we're just kids, but when I'm with her, I feel something I've never felt and I honestly can't tell you what life would be like without her."

He actually smiled and motioned for me to give him a hand shake. I did and I actually deep down, felt proud. I don't have to actually capture her away, but I'll capture her with my heart, to the Bahamas.

Mrs. Hightower and her dad went inside and that's when me and Alli hugged. "This is going to be amazing!" She replied as she hugged me just as tight.

"I'm so glad you can come, Alli. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if you couldn't come. Being without you for 5 weeks? It's a long time."

She smiled. "I know. I mean this all felt like it's been happening for so long now..I still find it surreal."

"Well, it's real and I find it to be the best thing that's happened to me."

"Me life was nothing without you."

And that's when my lips crashed against hers. She kissed me back feverishly and she slowly moved her hands from my shoulders to wrap her arms around my neck.

I then began to plant kisses on her neck and collar bone. She closed her eyes as I felt the electricity between us. I went back to her lips and my tongue grazed her teeth asking for an entrance. She opened her mouth slightly and our tongues began a battle. Soon lack of air was becoming a problem so I pulled away breathing heavily. Her breathing was heavy to as we stared into each others eyes, not wanting to let go of each other.

"I better let you go inside, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Okay." She said, still dazed from our kiss.

"Bye. Sweet dreams, beautiful."

"Goodnight." She responded with a smile. I watched her walk inside and she closed the door behind her. I sighed. Today was a really long, but good day.

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