Elijah Mikaelson ~ Soulmates ~ Part 1

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Request: you haven't been feeling well lately. The Mikaelsons come over to find Stefan but find you really ill. Elijah offers to help you feel better. You then ask Bonnie to see if it's anything supernatural, she finds out that you and Elijah are soulmates.

(Little bit of "cheekiness", nothing harmful)

For the past few days you have been throwing up, sweating and feverish. It was a day until the full moon and just less than a month since you had met the Mikaelsons.

You were currently in the Salvatore residence, lying on the couch closest to the fire place as you were freezing cold, despite all of the sweating. Caroline was taking care of you at the minute, Bonnie was there as well, but she was sleeping on the couch opposite as she was on (y/n) duty last night. You groaned and weakly motioned for the bucket again. Caroline sped over to you and passed the bucket in time for you to spill the contents of your stomach again. Once you'd finished you groaned and lay down on the sofa again.

"What's wrong with me? If I'd had food poisoning it would've past. Even a virus doesn't last this long! The doctor said I should be better by now. I just don't get it!" You complained to Caroline.

"It will get better (y/n), I promise. How about when Bonnie wakes up we'll see if she can spell you better? How does that sound?" She said in an attempt to ease your worry while plastering on the most reassuring smile she could muster. Until the was a knock at the door.

Her smile fell as she made sure you were comfortable before speeding to the door. Only to open it to the Mikaelson clan. All five of them.

"What can I help you with?" Caroline asked in a sharp tone whilst she tried to keep the door as closed as possible so they couldn't see you in this state. She knew you were too proud to be seen like that.

"We need to speak to Stefan. Is he home, love?" Klaus asked with a smirk slapped onto his face.

"No. He's hunting. Try later. Or on second thoughts, don't. Don't come back," Caroline sassed back. Rightfully pissed at Klaus still.

Though she broke out of her tough facade as you started coughing again. She dropped the door and ran to you to soothe you. She grabbed the bucket and put it near you incase you were sick. And you were. What was left of you stomach came up, mainly bile, and went in the bucket. You groaned and rolled into your back, only to roll over again and have another round with the bucket.

Caroline could only feel sorry for you and try to comfort you. She rubbed your arm as you meekly held onto the edge of the couch and continued to throw up. The Mikaelsons watched you being ill and Rebekah and Elijah entered through the door.

Something in Elijah felt such pity and unhappiness for you. He'd only met you twice. But he felt so strongly for you in that moment and he couldn't understand why. Maybe it was the gentleman in him. Caroline didn't want them to see you like this so he shouldn't interfere.

But as you lay there he couldn't keep his feet planted on the floor and he walked closer to the couch you lay on. You had stopped being sick but you looked ghost-like and white. You had dark purple bags under your tired eyes, which seemed dimmer now.

"Stay away," Caroline's firm words stopped Elijah advancing any closer to you. "Bonnie. Bonnie wake up!" Caroline urged, unsure of what to do about the two advancing original vampires.

Bonnie woke slowly, but quickly stood up when she saw Rebekah and Elijah in the living room and then Klaus, Kol and Finn at the door. She put her hands up to do a spell when Rebekah pushed her against the wall by her neck, keeping Bonnie's feet off the floor an inch or two.

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