Bellamy Blake ~ "Did you enjoy your trip?"

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Words: 1973

Request: The OC is moving logs in camp but trips over and twists ankle. Bellamy sees and helps her into the dropship where Clarke gives her a crutch and ties her ankle up in something. Bellamy takes care of her and will barely ever leave OC's side. Murphy and others call Bellamy out for not helping as much but Bellamy stands up to them and tells them its because he loves you. Can you do it in 3rd person please?


For the past couple of days the whole camp had been creating the wall and making huts and shelters. (Y/n) was no exception to that, she was currently moving logs from outside the 'wall' that were going to be used to build with, along with two boys named Angus and Lewis. It was a very long tree trunk and she was staggering under the weight of it. Her height didn't help either. She was a 5'2, skinny, 17 year old girl who hadn't had enough to eat yet. She could barely hold this tree, especially having carried so many others before hand. Droplets of sweat slowly rolled down her forehead and along the bridge of her nose. Dehydrated and exhausted, she wouldn't last carrying much more wood.

But then (y/n) put her foot into a rabbit hole in the ground and tripped over screaming out in agony, and she simultaneously dropped the tree onto her leg. The other two boys carrying the tree swiftly turned their heads around when they heard the scream and had felt the other end of the tree drop. They put the rest of the tree down and rushed to her side, immediately trying to lift the tree off her trapped leg. They could see that her foot was still firmly wedged in the hole and ankle was bent at an severely unnatural angle. Her pained screams were ear-piercing as they tried to lift the tree off her leg just the tiniest bit.

People had heard the screams of a girl on the other side of the wall and rushed out to see the commotion, and saw (y/n) who was screaming and crying on her backside as two boys were trying to lift the tree off her leg. Bellamy was the first out of camp and Clarke was soon after as she pushed her way to the front of the crowd. Both leaders rushed forwards to help lift the tree, and many others from the crowd also ran in to pull the tree away from the crying girl.

As the tree was swiftly lifted up, Clarke, Bellamy, Angus and Lewis helped to swiftly pull the screaming (y/n) out by unlodging  her foot from the rabbit hole and then pulling her along the floor so she was a safe distance away from the tree when it landed on the floor again. (Y/n)'s cries could be heard for miles but she had not yet seen her ankle at an ungodly angle, she could feel the burning pain as it throbbed and cried as agony gripped her leg. Tears kept rolling down (y/n)'s face as Clarke started inspecting her leg. Bellamy was squatting beside her and tried to comfort her, but she kept wailing. Bellamy looked at Clarke with a concerned look on his face as she kept looking at (y/n)'s leg and carefully poked at her ankle.

Clarke look up at Bellamy and said, "Get her to the drop ship. Now!" Bellamy understood but didn't want to hurt (y/n) anymore than she already was by moving her.

"Alright, we need to get you to the drop ship. Do you think you can try and help me by standing up?" Bellamy asked (y/n) with one hand on her lower back and one on her arm. (Y/n) nodded weakly and grabbed onto Bellamy's forearms, Clarke was already parting the crowd to make a path for them to walk through. Bellamy put his hands underneath her arms and pulled her upwards as (y/n) used her uninjured leg to feebly push herself off the floor. She staggered on her one foot and nearly fell until Bellamy brought her back into his arms. They tried walking a few steps but (y/n) was in too much pain so Bellamy thought it best to pick her up and carry her to the drop ship. He dropped one of his arms to the back of her knees and the other stayed on her lower back as he swooped her into his arms.

She was still crying but the screaming had stopped, still Bellamy tried his hardest not to sway too much incase it hurt her ankle. They neared to drop ship, Clarke was already inside making space on the makeshift table.

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