Hey, I'm Lalisa

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Lisa and Chaeyoung meet for the first time.

She was panting when she entered the room (the nearest one she could find, which seemed to be a music library of some sort), exhausted from yet another chase with fan girls (they were to debut soon yet she still hasn't figured out a way to effectively deal with such situations). She stared ahead, immediately taking interest when she found herself looking at a wall of records, her finger running along the ridges as she browsed through rows upon rows of CDs. She shuffled through plastic spines, looking for something to take out and listen to during the night, but she found none. She was just about to leave when she heard a female voice echoing around the room.

She looked around, intrigued, until she found the owner of the voice in a secluded corner, the shadows of the fluorescent light falling across her features. She was sitting with her back against the wall, legs crossed, eyes closed, pink headphones fitting snugly on her head. A contented smile was sitting on her lips as she alternated between humming and singing the song playing on her ears.

She listened to her with quiet awe, smiling softly as her warm, delicate voice filled her heart and soothed her soul. She continued to watch her for a while more, until the flow of words and melody ceased as she contented herself with just listening, her lips silently tracing the music instead.

Something about her captivated Lisa, and even though it wasn't really her style to bother herself with someone she didn't know, she decided that she wanted to get to know her. She moved a little closer, sighing audibly when she didn't notice her presence. Slowly, she sat down on the carpeted floor in front of her, a comfortable distance away, her legs pulled in close to her body as she observed her once again.

And then she saw her face clearly for the first time. She was quite familiar; she thought she saw her talking to one of her members, Jennie probably, once around their practice room. She didn't spare her a second glance then, and she wondered why. For a few moments she stared at her, finding it hard to take her eyes away from her lovely face. She was pretty, out-of-this-world beautiful, but she was mesmerized nonetheless. She faked a cough, a loud one to gain her attention, but she was undeterred.


She didn't acknowledge her, continuing to listen to the music that drowned out the world around her. Lisa sighed once again, not used to being completely ignored, and she surprised even herself when she impulsively grabbed her headphone and stuck it on her own head. She opened her eyes at the sudden interruption, blinking once, twice. Her mouth opened, ready to berate whoever had interrupted her. And then she saw her, her lovely pair of chocolate pools looking down at her and locking with her own. Lisa smiled her classic smile at her, one that made anyone weak in the knees, and all thoughts were forgotten.

Neither of them moved for a while, with Lisa listening to her music and the girl silently watching her, wide-eyed and unable to speak. She stared at the ground while she listened, the music drowning out any thoughts she was trying to have at the moment. After a while her gaze locked with the girl's once more, and she shifted uncomfortably, looking for something to look at besides her beautiful face, her perfect eyes.

The song ended and she handed her back her headphones ('Nice choice of music. I like it.'). Lisa stood up, walking away from her, a smile plastered on her face, before she turned back, calling out to introduce himself.

'I'm Lalisa Manoban.' (She knew that, of course, having seen her around the company and her being the main dancer of YGE's upcoming girl group).

She didn't leave until she told Lisa her name.

'Park Chaeyoung.'


It was just another day. There she was, frown visible on her face as she sat alone on her usual place. Music was playing faintly on her head but she wasn't really listening. Her ears focused on the background instead, waiting for the slightest of signs of her arrival.

There was something about the way her eyes lit up as Lisa stepped into the room, something about the way she looked up from her notebook (that some seconds ago she was furiously scribbling in) and mumbled under her breath that she didn't think she'd come.

Lisa muttered some explanation as she sat down next to her, her hand immediately shuffling through her bag and revealing her own headphone. Later on, two separate black chords twine together into a tangled mess of wire and rubber, the ends plugged on two separate holes on the record player.

Outside it was pouring, the rain drops falling hard and loud, rattling the silence of the room, but the headphones in their ears blocked out the sound. Neither moved as time passed and they listened to the same record over and over again.

When Lisa's head toppled over from sleepiness, it dropped awkwardly against Chaeyoung's. For a while she was immobilized but moments later she moved slightly to make Lisa more comfortable. They both sat there, her head now upon Chaeyoung's shoulder, enjoying the stillness, until her hand brushed lightly against hers, caressing softly, and the shock that coursed through her skin forced her to jolt away from her.

She stared at her, eyes wide with astonishment. The rain had now stopped and she could only hear the faint sounds of the drizzle. Distantly, she could also hear the music playing, coming from the headphones that were discarded along the tiled floor from her sudden movement.

Lisa stood up and took her in her arms, drawing Chaeyoung close to her. She smiled at her as she brushed a few strands of her pink silky hair away from her face. Slowly, Lisa leaned in. Their lips brushed softly together and time froze.

She could feel Lisa's heart beating. She could feel hers stop.

The music grew faint as they weave into the air like smoke.

The sound never really reached their ears.

chaelisa oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora