I Love You

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Lisa can't sleep, and she thinks about the reasons why.

Lisa stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep.

Slowly, she propped herself up on her elbows, hair falling lightly onto the pillow where her head had previously been. Throwing her head back, she sighed silently, then maneuvered herself so that she was propped up onto one elbow, watching Chaeyoung as she slept.

She had one hand behind her head, the other arm spread out in a hook shape, where, until a few moments ago, Lisa had been lying, in her protective but gentle hold. She could make out that her eyebrows were furrowed, and she looked uncomfortable.

Recently, Chaeyoung had been having more nightmares; more than when they first met. She almost never talked about them; it was only when she was drunk, and past the silly stories from her childhood, did she tell her what truly scared her. It...was a pretty wide range, including things that they had dealt with together and things she had dealt with on her own. Lisa was never a stranger to nightmares; with a father like hers, how could she not be?

But she almost didn't mind getting them. Not as much as she minded her friends - especially Chaeyoung - having to deal with their own traumas.

Carefully, Lisa sat up a bit more, looking down. Slowly, gently, she turned a bit and laced her fingers through Chaeyoung's, running her thumb over her knuckles. "I'm here," she whispered quietly, looking at her face for any sign of change. "Rosie, you are safe," she promised. "You are stronger than this dream, and I am here." With her other hand, she gently ran her fingers through her hair, which was oddly familiar. With any luck, she was dreaming about her, and hearing her voice would calm her.

Chaeyoung mumbled something under her breath and Lisa held hers, waiting. Eventually, her face relaxed a little more and her breathing became slower.

Lisa let out the breath she was holding slowly, and retracted the hand from hers, but continued playing with her hair for a few seconds before gradually coming to a stop. She leaned back against the wall, shutting her eyes for a moment.

She wondered if she wasn't able to sleep because she had known Chaeyoung was uncomfortable.

That was one of the reasons, she knew. Among many.

Another being her father. She had been having more dreams about him recently, and not memory dreams, like she was used to. No, she would see him in what she believed to be present time. She would see him in the metro. She would see him with her brother, but she hadn't stayed asleep long enough to know what had happened. And last night, she saw him in her house, with her whole family.

That had shaken her. She wasn't sure why, but it felt very real. He had to be close now. As much as she wanted to swallow her unease, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Chaeyoung let out a quiet snore, which thankfully pulled Lisa from her thoughts. Opening her eyes, Lisa looked down at her with a small, fond smile she would never give her if she were looking.

And why couldn't she just bring herself to admit that she loved her? Truthfully, she wasn't sure, but deep down, she knew it was probably because she was afraid. She was afraid to love. How couldn't she be? She was made into an idol, and robbed of a normal, adult life. Not that she wasn't trying, of course.

What did Chaeyoung see in her? Lisa didn't think she would ever know, but she was so grateful for her. She wondered if Chaeyoung knew how she'd changed Lisa for the better. How she couldn't help but sing along to a Halsey song whenever she played one. How she found herself tapping her foot every now and then as a song she couldn't remember the words to was stuck in her head. How she danced.

How she was constantly thinking about Chaeyoung, and how she made her feel. Lisa would never be able to explain why, when she would glance up onto the stage and see Chaeyoung singing her heart out, she would get butterflies. She didn't think she'd ever be able to explain why, whenever someone said something terrible about her, she would get more defensive than she ever was for herself.

Chaeyoung was kind, and she was gentle, and she was so loving. Sometimes, Lisa would look at her, and the way that she was looking at her would send shivers down her spine and heat rushing to her cheeks.

Lisa loved Chaeyoung. There was definitely an unspoken thing between them, and it was her fault because she was too afraid to tell her so. But she was patient, waiting for her to be ready.

She leaned her head against the wall again, shutting her eyes. How she got lucky enough to be stuck with Blackpink - and with Chaeyoung - as her family, she would never know. But she was so, so grateful.

"Lis?" Chaeyoung's sleepy voice reached her ears, and she lifted her head to look down at her. Chaeyoung turned her head slightly to look up at Lisa, looking confused and disorientated. "What're you doing up?"

Lisa knelt forward on her knees, and bent down, kissing her softly. Despite being just woken up, she lifted her arms, hands cupping her cheeks gently. When she pulled away, she was inches from his face. "Just thinking."

Even in the dark, she could see Chaeyoung smile sleepily, and reach over to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Really? What about?"

Lisa's cheeks most certainly turned a bit pink, and she was grateful for the dark room. Carefully, she lay back down, pulling the blanket up around both of them. Instinctively, Chaeyoung's arm came around to hold her, and Lisa placed her head on her chest. Her heartbeat was steady and comforting. "Nothing important." A lie. "Go back to sleep."

She chuckled a little, pressing a kiss to the top of Lisa's head. Like usual, she didn't ask more from her than what she was comfortable with.

She closed her eyes, listening to Chaeyoung's heartbeat. She was pretty sure hers was a bit faster. Was she nervous?

"Rosie?" she asked softly.


Lisa swallowed. "I love you." Her heart skipped a beat.

"I love you, too," Chaeyoung murmured. Luckily for her, Chaeyoung was half asleep, and didn't have the energy to be surprised. Lisa found herself smiling a little, anyway.

By the time Chaeyoung began snoring, Lisa drifted off, her voice confirming the love she had tried to deny for a long time echoing in her mind.

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