Chapter 10- Dancing Queen

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Anne's Point of View

I opened my eyes and felt a weird feeling. Then I was suddenly overcome with a thought. Today was the dance, I had been dreading this day ever since the ''accident'' but after a couple of days of me being partners with Gilbert, things seemed to be looking up. But just because we spoke a few times doesn't mean I wasn't still feeling a weird sensation in my stomach. NO ANNE, I'm not going to let a stupid boy like Gilbert Blythe ruin this beautiful morning. My blossom tree looks wondrous this morning, a little brighter than usual, it must be having a splendid morning with no problems or weird feelings, I would give almost anything to be a blossom tree today, it would be absolutely wonderful to stand beautifully tall with no care in the world just rustling calmly throughout the day.

I rose out of bed and got ready. I opened my closet door to admire the beautiful dress Diana had lent me for the dance performance, it was a pink dress with a white lace that was absolutely divine, and the best part is that it has puff sleeves! I am a bit worried that the dress would look homely on me since its pink but Diana reassured me that I would look the opposite of homely and I trust Diana dearly so I decided to wear the dress. I placed the dress neatly in my bed making sure that it has not even one wrinkle. After getting ready, I headed downstairs and was greeted by Jerry and Marilla eating breakfast in the kitchen.

''Jerry? What are you doing here'' I asked as soon as I saw him.

''Good morning to you too Anne, well we have plenty of food today so I invited Jerry over for breakfast.'' Marilla said.

''Oh how splendid! I'll go make a pot of tea'' I said excitedly

''Matthew and I are off to an errand in Charlettowns, we'll be back just in time for the performance, are you sure you can manage yourself while we are gone Anne?'' Marilla asked as she picked up her plate.

''don't you worry Marilla, I'll behave just as a mature girl would.'' I said, trying to hide my excitement.

''Also, is it okay if Diana can come over today? To get ready, of course.'' I asked with an innocent smile.

''Alright, but I don't want you girls eating anything, we all remember last time'' Marilla said with a scoff remembering the event.

''Thank you Marilla!'' I said excitedly.

Marilla picked her coat and headed out the door where Matthew was waiting. Matthew sent me a wave from afar which I returned with a smile.

''Jerry you won't mind if Diana joins us right?'' I asked, knowing the answer.

''I guess that be okay'' Jerry said subtly.

''Good she should be getting here any minute.'' I said.

''Wait did you tell Diana to come knowing Marilla would say yes?'' Jerry asked.

''Maybe...'' I responded with a smirk.

''Wait and what was Marilla talking about when she said, last time?'' Jerry asked.

''You know Jerry usually I'm the one asking the questions'' I said.

We looked over to the door as we found Diana knocking. I opened the door and greeted my bosom friend.

''Good morning Diana!'' I said as she entered.

''Oh, I didn't know Jerry would be joining us'' Diana said with a shy smile.

''I hope you don't mind'' Jerry said with a smirk.

''N-no not at all'' Diana said shyly.

I picked up the pot of tea that was now ready and poured three cups. I handed the cups to Diana and Jerry as the three of us sat in the table.

Denial  {Shirbert Fanfiction} {Anne with an E}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang