Chapter 11- The Perfect Day

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     Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley Cuthbert were a pair of conflict to say the least. One minute they are sworn enemies and the next they are eating a baked good in a café. So it came to no surprise that Anne's cold gestures toward Gilbert Blythe while they worked in school were finally wearing off. Everyday she would speak a little more to Gilbert and everyday she seemed to have a wider smile. Gilbert was especially happy with this because he had a newfound feeling towards Anne, he wouldn't call it a romantical feeling but he wanted to learn what made her smile, what made her sad, what made her laugh and most importantly what made her, Anne.

''Goodbye Gilbert'' Anne waved at the boy as she left the school house.

''Goodbye Anne'' Gilbert said as he watched Anne leave with Diana. Anne had even had a full conversation with him this day! It was only 5 sentences but yesterday it was only four so it was progress for him.

As Anne arrived at Green Gables she found Marilla and Rachel sitting by the kitchen drinking their tea as Rachel spilled nothing but the tea.

''So, they have made me the Avonlea Newspaper editor!'' Rachel said excitedly as Anne walked in.

''Really? Oh, that's wonderful Ms. Lynde! Writing is such a blessing'' Anne said.

''Anne, it's rude to interrupt elders'' Marilla said.

''Oh its alright Marilla the girl is just excited. Say Anne, I need some writers would you like to have a story column?''

''ME?! MY VERY OWN STORIES PUBLISHED?!'' Anne squealed in excitement.

Marilla and Rachel smiled at the happy girl.

''Thank you, thank you, thank you Ms.Lynde I won't let you down! In fact, I'll start right away!'' Anne jumped up and down and rushed to her room with her pen and writing book.

''That girl is something else'' Ms.Lynde said taking a sip of her tea.

''too much if you ask me, always getting herself into adventures'' Marilla scoffed but secretly Anne reminded Marilla of herself as a kid though she had many responsibilities she use to sneak out at night to go explore the land but that part of her faded a long time ago.

Today was a great day for Gilbert, Anne said goodbye to him and Mary was going to move in today. Bash and Mary had been arguing, Mary didn't want to leave her job but it was impractical for her to take the train every day when going to work. Gilbert remembers the discussion very clearly.

''Bash, I will not be a housewife! I want to work!'' Mary said.

''Then who will take care of Timothy?!'' Bash said.

''For god sakes Sebastian, you already named the baby?!'' Mary said.

''don't worry you can name the 5 rest'' Bash said.

''FIVE?!'' Mary said.

''Okay fine the number is negotiable'' Bash said.

Mary let out a sigh.

Bash took Mary's hands and gave her a comforting smile.

''We'll find you work if that is what you want'' Bash said.

''Thank you'' Mary said as the two embraced.

''And we are NOT naming him Timothy'' Mary said.

''What's wrong with Timothy?'' Bash said with a smile.

The pair chuckled.

Gilbert zapped back to reality as soon as he reached his house. He entered the house and found Mary and Bash unpacking Mary's things.

Denial  {Shirbert Fanfiction} {Anne with an E}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon