Mind vs. Heart

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So as you may of noticed, I simply adore rhyming poetry. For this poem series I decided to branch out a little.

Heart to Mind
Dearest friend of which I am tied in soul,
I never intended to cause you harm
never could I have predicted...
I chose him, for that I take the blame
he was smart, he was kind
and though we didn't know it
When you found them
you emptied
happiness, humor, kindness
drained out
blinding rage filled
the husk left in its wake
And they didn't care
She boasted of your ignorance
and thrust your pain in your face
I chose him and he hurt you
I am sorry
Your Heart

Mind to Heart
Dear Heart,
I blame you
I blame you for the way
my knees would feel weak
when he held my hand
I blame you for the
way my lips would burn
when he cupped my face
and kissed my goodnight
I blame you for the way
my eyes always seek out his
when I enter the room
I blame you for the pain that
consumed me when
I saw him with another
How it felt worse than a million
termites burrowing into my skin
I blame you for making me love him
and I blame you for making me miss him
even though he's gone
I blame you,
and I don't think I can forgive
Your Mind

The Wanderings of an Errant Mind: A Poetry BookWhere stories live. Discover now