Chocolate Thief

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Some background knowledge first; I was once tasked with taking one line from an already published story (in this case Shakespeare's Othello) and using it to kickstart a new poem. In other words, I used one line from Othello ("You charge me most unjustly" (4.2.215)) to inspire my poem and it can be seen in the first line. Credits to the first line go to Shakespeare, however, the rest of the poem belongs to me. The poem itself is written in the form of a one sided conversation. You can only hear one character and must deduce what the other is saying based off the dialogue. Without further ado, I present Chocolate thief.

You charge me most unjustly
I did not murder your candy bar
I couldn't of, you understand,
As I was sitting there, afar

'Twas sitting there upon the couch
When your chocolate ran away
I swear to you I'm innocent
Now there's nothing left to say

What's that you say, no one else in the room
Well that's not exactly true
Yes there was once only me
But now there's me and you

No I'm not trying to be smart
Well, maybe just a bit
Besides, my mouth is way too small
Trust me, it would never fit

Preposterous you claim
Well, I claim it's true
And I was here then so
I know better than you

Fine, I buy you another treat
But only because I'm nice
But I'd keep a careful eye out
Or you might find it'll happen twice

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