Chapter 1(Recollecting the incidents)

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It is taken from Is Pyaar Ko Kyaa naam doon(What can I name this love?) serial telecasted in Star Vijay.Is one of my favourite serial.This is my first fanfic.If there is any error in my typing, please forgive me. 

                                                    (For those who didn't know Arshi Story)


        Arnav Singh Raizadha is the Owner of AR Fashion.He has an elder sister named Anjali.Anjali used to call Arnav as Chote(small boy).During his sister's marriage, his mother came to know that her husband had extra marital affair. So she shot herself. His dad also shot himself. So, He lost his parents in his early age.They were thrown to road.He loved his mother a lot and hated his father.His mother used to believe God.He too believed in God at first. Later, when they were seeking for shelter, he realised that only Money works everywhere. So they stayed in his mother's mother(Grandma)  Devyani Singh Raizadha home along with Manohar family.

        Manohar Singh Raizadha was Arnav mother's brother.Manohar's wife was Manorama.They had a son named  Akash Singh Raizadha. Arnav changed his surname from Malik into Arnav Singh Raizadha. For Anjali, chote is her world. She  loved  and married Shyam Jha, who is a lawyer.Anjali loved Shyam to the core of her heart and trusted him more.Arnav became successful in his carrier.He had many girl friends just for name sake.But he was never true to anyone. His dictionary includes  his grandma, his sister alone.And of course, his work.He became workaholic.He met khushi. 

        Khushi is a small cute caring girl with tremendous courage.She is a firm believer of God.Her favourite deity is Devi Maiyya. She lost her parents in an accident.She was taken care by her mother's sister Garima.She love her father  Shashi a lot.Garima and Shashi had a daughter named Payal, who is elder to khushi. Arnav and khushi used to fight a lot. Both were poles apart.She used to work in his office.

         Arnav had a girlfriend named Lavanya Kashyap. She was in love with ASR completely. He introduced  her to his family. His family did not like her because they were too traditional and she was too modern. So, they asked khushi to train Lavanya to become traditional. At first,Lavanya used to hate khushi a lot. But gradually they became bestiees. Lavanya very well know that ASR never loved her. She also realised that ASR started to love Khushi. 

         In the mean time, Payal and Akash were in Love. Shyam liked khushi. He stayed in khushi's home as paying guest. Shashi figured out the lies told by Shyam and witnessed Anjali as his wife.But Shyam on knowing this, tried to kill him which resulted in paralysis attack of Shashi. He was not able to speak and move.Shashi wanted to protect his daughter..(ya of course its khushi .Because He loves Khushi 's nature.) from that evil man.But he was not able to do it..

         Shyam said he loved Khushi. But Khushi was in love with Arnav. She know that her friend Lavanya is to be married with Arnav.  Arnav's moves indicated to her that he also was in love with her. When she asked him about that, he said not to daydream and hurt her a lot.Shyam made her family believe that he is suitable for Khushi.They too agreed and engaged them. Without an ounce of liking,Khushi was forcefully engaged to Shyam. 

        When Arnav heard news about khushi being engaged , Arnav realised his feelings towards khushi. Arnav never knew to whom khushi is engaged to. Finally getting consent from both the families, Akash and Payal are engaged.On the day of engagement , Arnav and Lavanya broke up from their relationship and informed to their family.(So sad Payash, Their engagement day was someone else break up day.)

        Later khushi found the truth about Shyam being married to Anjali.When she found out the truth, she cancelled her engagement and informed her family about this cheater. She went to convey this message to Anjali. But since, Anjali was so sensitive , khushi did not convey the message.Khushi's family agreed to keep this as secret till Payal' s marriage. Arnav felt relieved due to cancellation of khushi's engagement. 

         During Payash Wedding preparations,Arnav and Khushi were high on Love. Even though they didn't convey it verbally, they were enjoying more than Payash. On the day of  Akash and Payal's marriage, Shyam misbehaved with khushi. Asking khushi to run way with him. This scene was misunderstood by Arnav that Khushi was being mistress to Shyam and destroying his sister's life. He went to convey this message to his sister. But Anjali fainted . When doctor came, he declared that Anjali was pregnant. So, he planned to marry khushi. So that, Khushi can never marry Shyam and Shyam can never have khushi. He thought after hearing pregnancy news, shyam will become loyal to his wife.

        Akash and Payal successfully married. In the mean time Arnav made deal with Khushi that she has to be with Arnav for 6 months and then she is set free.Or else he would stop Payal's marriage.. Since, due to khushi, Payal's first wedding was cancelled,Khushi agreed to the Deal.Arnav married Khushi forcefully.(So sad ..Khushi engagement and marriage both were forcefully done). Khushi's marriage was held at temple just for formality. She had so many dreams regarding her marriage.But all shattered to pieces when Arnav made this to her.

        Aftermath of  their marriage was painful to both.Their family demanded why sudden marriage to which khushi had no answers.Arnav didn't even open his mouth.Since Arnav left to his room angrily, everyone targeted her with lots of questions.Everyone felt ashamed of  Arnav and Khushi's act, especially Khushi.They all know khushi will never do such thing, because she is an obedient traditional girl.But they didn't trust her  enough and demanded answers. 

        Madhumati said since she is not their daughter .So that the reason she is doing like this.Her mother slapped her for this and said that she made them ashamed in front of Payal's in laws.They cut all ties of bond with her.Her sister too didn't even talk to her.Payal who knew khushi completely, who guesses even slight change in her mood,  could not support her now.Everyone was angry with her. She pleaded her mother to listen.No...They didn't even give her a glance.(Thats too bad..Right? At least they should hear)They avoided her.It was really painful to Khushi.Khushi learned the truth that In one day..No.In one hour, things could change topsy turvy.The family who trusted her was now abandoning her.

        Her family and Her husband's family avoided her.Now..The only left out person was her husband.Arnav Singh Raizadha.Khushi  figured out the root cause.Its all happening because of Arnav Singh Raizadha.She demanded why Arnav married her forcefully.But he never said the reason.He said he hated her.She could not figure out the reason.She thought then why the hell did u marry me?The one who was doing romantic things to her, made her blush and was caring her till this evening.What happened to him now?How can a person change suddenly?He was also avoiding her.She could not bear this.She cried and cried till there was no tear left.

        Days flew. She was accustomed to their avoiding and tried her best to live with them.For a few days, Arnav and Khushi was asked to stay at her house. Khushi watched some TV show .In that, the host said that when someone has curse in their horoscope that their wife will die, they will marry someone for 6 months and get them killed.Then they will marry their first love and live happily. So, she decided  that Lavanya was his first love.She doesn't want to be killed by anyone.especially by Arnav,  her love.So she voluntarily  came forward to suicide. Because she wanted him to be happy even though it was not with her. She loved him that much. He may have hurt her now.But still the love she had for him will always be fresh. So She was ready to sacrifice herself for him who gave her tremendous pain and keep on torturing her.  For His happiness.}}}}}

Okayyyyyyyyy....From this scene I will continue my plot.

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