Chapter Seventeen

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Early morning, Mang Teban approached the guard house feeling uneasy, as if a premonition of a bad day lay ahead. High profile residents live here unlike the subdivision where the Espina's live. The guards were stricter.

"Mang Teban, I'll leave you for a while and check if Kim is in the house."

"Okay but not too long. You should be here as soon as the guards talk to me."

Von slipped out of his sight.

He slowed down when Von didn't return at once. Where are you, Von, I told you not to stay away too long. Slow as it may but still his feet brought him in front of the guards.

"Good morning old man!" The barrel chested subdivision guard greeted him with a stern look, as if trying to study his face.

"Good morning," he politely replied. But before he could say his purpose, all the guard turned their attention to a passing black SUV entering the subdivision.

The vehicle slowed down as the mirror by the driver's side lowered, showing a respectable face smiling at them.

Like the others, Mang Teban turned his attention to the man in the car. Every guard saluted him. The Officer-In-Charge walked by the side of the SUV as the handsome man talked to him.

The same guard who greeted Mang Teban talked to him. "Sir, are you seeing someone else?"

He had no time to take a deep breathe. "Oh, I have to see Miss Kimberly Park for an important message," he said in his usual loud voice.

The man in the car turned to him upon hearing Kim's name. He looked at Mang Teban from head to foot before smiling. He waved his hand, calling Mang Teban to come near.

He looked around before looking back at the man. He pointed his fingers to himself with a questioning look. "Me?"

The man nodded his head.

Oh my, what have I done that this man wanted to talk to me, he got worried. Although hesitant, he walked to the man in the car. The OIC stepped aside but didn't leave their side.

"Good morning, sir!" Jim was in his usual polite words, coupled with a wider smile.

"Good morning...sir!" He replied with astonishment.

"I heard you are seeing Kim, did I hear it right?

"If you mean Miss Kimberly Park, then yes, sir."

I am on the same direction and I'll gladly drop you by on my way...I know her."

It was an offer the old man couldn't refuse from a gentleman. It would save him from further questioning and possible rejection from the guards.

The smiles, the laughter, the happy reactions of Kim in front of the TV set made Von joined her, the way he used to do. When the program was cut by a commercial, Kim stood up and headed for the bathroom.

Von stood up, too, with wide awake eyes. "Mang Teban! Yes, I forgot about him," he exclaimed. He swiftly went back to the subdivision gate. But his friend was no longer there. He followed the way to Kim's house hoping to see Mang Teban walking. He even went out of the subdivision, thinking that the guards had turned him away.

But the man Von wanted to see sat comfortably beside Jim in his SUV.

"I'm Ronald Regala, just call me Ron." Jim concealed his identity.

"I'm Mang Teban, sir" he replied with a low voice.

"By the way I'm Kim's cousin and I live near their place. May I know why you are seeing her? It seems it is so important."

Mang Teban didn't know what to say. No one must know about their plan but he must have something to say.

"It''s just something...that...I mean, just to ask a little amount to paint and repair the grave of Von." He was stammering, not used to telling lies.

"I see." Jim nodded his head and kept silent. He turned to a dead end of the road.

Mang Teban's eyes scanned the area.

There were houses on both sides of the road and had no fences yet. The doors and windows were locked, having no sign of being occupied. Tall grasses need to be cut.

Jim pulled aside and went out of the SUV without a word.

Mang Teban's eyes just followed him as he walked in front of the vehicle going to his side. Tension built up in his heart. I'm in for a trouble, Von. Where are you?

Jim opened the door.

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