"You have a really weird smile on right now. It's scaring me" Adaline said while shivering making me scowl at her. I kept my mouth shut though because she was right, nobody should read my mind and see my thoughts. They would really be scarred for life.

I sighed as I finished my meal. Adie was a math major so she left for the library to study or practice it or whatever. I mean she better, who in their right mind takes math as a major. I made my way to my last class. It was Psychology and it was my major and I had a fair amount of interest for it but, because there is always a but, I shared this class with Mina, the prettiest girl in our department.

It's not like I hated her because this is not a drama and I am not the main character who gets tormented by the prettiest girl who also happens to like the boy you like. Well first off she didn't even know about my existence. Second, she liked Oh Sehun (who I didn't like because kyungsoo is life) and always made a huge deal about it boasting about how she was his number one fan.

Legend has it that she was the fastest human on the planet as she trapped the air droplets that came out of his nose and mouth into a spray bottle when he happened to sneeze. It sounded ridiculous but she herself bragged about it. Once she managed to get a stray hair that had fallen on his shoulder. She framed it and it was the most weirdest thing ever but no one ever thought it was weird because pretty girls aren't weird. They're just lovable and kind and always right. The only reason I actually knew Sehun trivia was because she spouted all of it everyday religiously like a prayer and it went something like this:

Oh Sehun, the prince with milky white skin, 21 years old and 6 feet tall.
He loves his dog Vivi the poo just like how he loves his bubble tea.
He lived in Seoul for four year and for three years in Japan.
The day he was born was 12th April 1994, he has an older brother and......

There was more to it but I couldn't make myself to memorize anymore because after that it really got sexual and private. I didn't want to blurt that out someday if I ever got to talk to him because I've been known to blurt out things that are true, but not to be revealed to a person. The most innermost thoughts that only remain as thoughts but never as words that have to be spoken.

The TA Suho handed out our assignments all the while graciously smiling at all the drooling girls and peeved guys. He was also a friend of Sehun's and he was gorgeous. He wasn't as tall as Sehun but he was definitely as handsome with the most perfect Instagram page with over 90K plus followers.

Sehun had over 100k followers that easily beat Suho's account but boy were his camera skills shit, but the photos that were taken of him were always perfect. It must be one of his friends that had taken some of the pictures, probably Chanyeol. He was always fiddling a camera or on his laptop working on music for his next gig. He worked part time as a DJ and also accompanied his boyfriend Baekhyun on his gigs.

Baekhyun was a genius vocalist but instead he was a math major like Adie. He could easily get famous with that voice and to a extent he was but by what I heard from people in class was that he had a lot of offers but he never took them up. Probably because he didn't want to be away from his boyfriend. I almost squealed at the thought. They were seriously such a cute couple. All the girls were so upset when they found out that they were dating. I heard that the senior girls even went on hunger strikes when they came out. Talk about being ridiculous. If you adore them you'll let them be happy and it's that simple.

As I sat there lost in my own thoughts I heard someone clearing their throat. I whipped my head up only to realise that everyone had already left class and I was the only one remaining with the TA. I shot up, hitting my knee on the table in the process. I fell back on my butt and clutched my knee because that shit freaking hurt. I groaned at the pain and embarrassment.

"You scared me. Are you okay?" Suho asked and I nodded. I gathered up my belongings and quietly made my way to the door but was stopped when he called my name. I nearly dropped my bag at that.

"What?" my voice was shrill and panicked. He laughed awkwardly at that and I wanted to hit myself. "So I got your name right?" he asked smiling at me. I nodded vigorously.

"I know this might seem sudden and totally uncalled for but can I ask you something real quick? And you can only say the truth okay?" my palms started getting sweaty when I saw a serious expression come over his face.

"Raina?" he asked again and I stuttered before finally agreeing to hear him out.

"So is it true that you slept with Sehun? I know this is a personal question but I need to know and I totally understand if you don't want to answer that."

I looked at him with wide eyes. What in the actual world was happening. Did that mean that the rumour was so widespread that it had even reached the 9GC which was short for 9 Gay Cult, a name I came up with. I guess the staring earlier confirmed that they did know.

I was so panicked that not a word came out except for a frightened sound that sounded like a squealing pig. He still looked at me with so much hope and in all seriousness he looked honestly edible. I gulped and shook my head.

"No that is not true! It's a misunderstanding!" I nearly shouted but managed to keep it down. A look of confusion followed by relief overcame his perfect features. "Oh! that's good to know" he smiled showing his perfect teeth. I wondered why he looked so relived and God darn perfect. Probably because he couldn't see someone as good looking as Sehun having sex with the likes of me. I knew I wasn't that bad but I was bad if you took a look at Oh Sehun first - you would definitely find me as ugly as an orc. I felt a bit depressed at the thought.

"It's not that I think you're not someone he would sleep with but I was worried because he kept saying he didn't remember who he was with and those rumors really troubled him so I had to find out. He's been out of it these few days." he rambled on and it made me smile a little.

"It's just that I was so wasted that night but I wasn't with him. I actually found him in the bathroom. He was like sleeping in our tub and I don't know how he got there. I was still drunk and I had woken up to go to the bathroom but I found him there and I was just trying to figure out who he was and I kind of just fell asleep there too.... " I ended awkardly because it felt like I needed to give him an explanation. He nodded his head in understanding.

"So yeah it was blown out of proportion and I left him before he woke up so I couldn't tell him. I'm sorry if this caused him trouble. I should have explained earlier" I said feeling a little sorry.

"No, no it's okay he was worried he did something to you when he was drunk because you have been always ignoring his presence whenever he tried to talk to you." My eyes widened in shock. What??!! Oh Sehun tried to talk to me?? When the fuck? Whomst the fuck? I nearly started to hyperventilate trying to recall if he actually ever tried to talk to me.

"N-no nothing happened I'm fine!" I shouted startling Suho. "Ah I'm sorry but he didn't do anything to me. Oh God I'm so embarrassed" I hid my face with my hands and groaned.
I heard Suho chuckle and I looked at him through my fingers. I was probably flushed because I was mortified.

"Hey it's okay though now. You can talk to him and sort out this misunderstanding." Wait what? Me go talk to him?

"Um can't you just tell him?" I asked him but he gave me a mischievous smile.

"Nope because that's no fun" he smirked and I would have wet myself but instead I nodded and walked away because this was too much for me to handle in a day.

"Take care and do tell him everything" he called out and I could picture him bending and laughing silently.

I wanted to bury myself under the soil and live the rest of my life as an earthworm. God save me and my stupid ass.

a/n: I'm so excited for exo's comeback
even though it's without soo bby and xiumi hyung (and most probably lay ge) I still want to see them bc they are my happiness
('༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡


edit: omg exo's concept trailer came out and I am thoroughly shook.



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