I give him the story I tell everybody and he nods in response. Mason comes over with my beer and I thank him. I try to get over the fact that I'm seventeen and am at a party drinking beer, something I never would have done without meeting the boys this morning or coming to high school for that matter.           

We stand there and talk about random things for a little while, when thoughts travel back to Alessia and how I left her standing there with Brody and the boys. I glance around the room for her pink hair and spot her talking to someone, whom I immediately recognize as a quiet guy in my English class. I smile to myself and listen in back to the conversation.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to a smirking Harry.

"Hey guys" he says.

Mason greets him as does Chris. Harry stands there and talks with us. I go to take a sip of my beer and frown when I see that I've finished it. I excuse myself to get another one but Harry offers to come with me. We say good-bye to Mason and Chris and make our way over to the bar area.

Harry grabs a soda and I do the same, thinking that one beer is enough for me. He leads me out the back door, all the while not having spoke a single word to me. The silence isn't uncomfortable, just unexpected. Usually he always has something to say.

People once again continue to acknowledge Harry and he just nods his head at them or mumbles a "hey". All of a sudden, I feel someone pull my arm and I'm spun around and thrown into the arms of a a guy. I look up to see who it is and I don't recognize the guy, but I can clearly see his eyes are glazed over. He's drunk. I drop my drink and attempt to push myself out of his grasp but my endeavors are futile. The guy is mumbling things about how good I look in my dress and how much better I'd look with it off and I feel the urge to throw up. Where the hell is Harry?

As if answering my prayers, I see him looking around for me and our eyes finally lock. He rushes over to me and rips me out of the disturbing guy's grasp.

"Get the f uck out Sean" he angrily says. People around us who were oblious before, are now starting to listen in.

Sean gives me a wicked smile and I cringe. Harry lunges for him but I pull him back.

"Let's go, c'mon." I say quietly.

Harry looks at me, eyes blazing.

"C'mon, it's not even worth it" I say and drag him back. He reluctantly allows me to and shakes his head, but doesn't say anything. Giving Sean a glare, and if looks could kill, Sean would be on the floor dead.

We continue walking and he guides us over to a small bridge that crosses the lake. There are a few couples on it, flirting and kissing. I smile at their innoncence. I find it cute how they are tucked away from the loudness and chaos of the party. They're in their own little bubble and see nothing but each others. I start to picture myself beeing just like with a certain curly-haired boy standing next to me but push the thoughts to the back of my head.

We stop on the bridge and make our way over to the railing. I rest my arms up against the railing and look down at the water below me, which has reflections from the colors of the lanterns hanging on the trees and I smile to myself. The music is still within earshot and I hum along to the song.

"Dont' say it's nothing" He says to me, quitely.

"Huh?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts and left confused by his statement.

"What Sean did to you isn't nothing. He's a pathetic excuse of man and should never do that to girl, whether he's drunk or not." He says forcefully.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, Harry. Sure what he said and did wasn't respectful, but I'm just lucky it didn't go further than that." I say.

"What did he say to you?"

Endless | AU Harry Styles (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now