Chapter Thirty-One

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   "How did it go?"

  "I miss her."

   Madeline got up and moved to the chair beside him. "I know. I do too." She looked at him. "You're always going to miss her and your heart is always going to hurt when you think of her. As time progresses, it will get better."

   "I know it will. It's just, it's all so fresh."

   "I know. I'm going to be right here to help you. Emerson will be here. The Pack is here for you. We're all going to help you."

   "Thank you, Madeline."

   "You're welcome."

   After a few minutes of silence, he stood. "I should probably go tell the others that you're coming in today."

   Madeline nodded and stood as well. "Alright. If you ever need me, you know where to find me."

   Dylan nodded his head once. "I'll see you later."

   She waited until the door was closed before sitting back down in the office chair. She flexed her fingers and began writing her email. She was trying to negotiate a time that they could meet and discuss the trade in person.

   Several screams caught her attention. She jerked her head up and stood, ready to run outside when the office door slammed open and Dylan reentered the office, panting.

   "They're attacking!"


   "Benjamin! He's trying to find you. You have hind, now!"

    When Madeline didn't move, frozen in shock, he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.

   "Come on! We have to hurry." He ran her through the House until they came to a closet and shoved her in. There was a secret door that he opened and pushed her in. He got in with her and closed the door, sealing them in the dark.

   They might've been hidden from the world but she could still hear the world. She could hear her people's screams, she could hear them dying.

   "I can't do this. I have to be out there with them." Madeline said, fumbling for the door.

   Dylan yanked her back and covered her mouth. "You are not leaving. I have a duty to protect you. We all do. We need you alive and well. And if you won't do it for them or for yourself, do it for your baby. What if Benjamin finds you and kills the baby?"

   She stopped resisting him then. She would do anything for her baby. She would protect her baby, always.

   He let her go once he noticed she stopped struggling and she leaned back against the wall. silent tears rolled down her cheeks. She hated that her people were suffering. There was nothing she could do about it. She wasn't a warrior. She didn't have magical powers that could destroy all their enemies. She was just herself. She had her words and that was final.

    "I'm going to ask one more time, and if no one gives me the answer I want, I'll start killing your children." Benjamin's voice echoed throughout the House.

   He wouldn't, would he? He wouldn't kill an innocent child, would he? A full-grown wolf, yes, but a pup?

   "Nothing? You had your chance." She heard a gunshot followed by screams.

   Madeline bit down on her tongue until it bled. He did it. he took away an innocent child's life.

   She heard another gunshot followed by more screams and she couldn't take it anymore. She had to give herself up. She could only hope her baby would survive whatever was to come.

The Arrangement |1|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz