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"I finally got it!" Harry yells up the stairs to his boyfriend Draco in their new apartment that they've just bough 3 months ago

"Got what!" He yells back coming down the stairs is a pair of dress pants seeing as he refuses that all other pants are 'horridness and not even squib worthy' as well as a sweatshirt "the computer laptop thing I was telling you about the other day remember? Look I'll show you how it works then you can use it too" Harry says and Draco looks at the muggle device sceptically walking over and sitting next to Harry at the island in the kitchen

"Alright do you have to start it up which you do pressing this button then..." Harry explained what all the different buttons did, how to open setting, how to send an email or play games, how to watch videos and look up stuff. A total of two and a half hours until Draco finally got it

"alright so now that you kno-"

"Hey harry?"

"If you have another question about one of the keys or buttons im goi-"

"Are you sitting on F5?" Draco asks and Harry only looks at him eyebrows furrowed in confusion

"Because that ass is refreshing" Draco says with a smirk and Harry goes blank faced staring into Draco's eyes and Draco only smirks and leans in as well as Harry who has a slight smirk as well plastered on his face only and inch away he stops

"Are you a software update?" He asks and Draco looks at him in slight annoyance seeing as he just stopped before they even got to kiss

"Because not right now" he says smirk growing while leaning away and back to face the computer as Draco stares at him dumbfounded before giving a huff throwing a glare at Harry shoving his slightly making him laugh

"So if you wanna open YouTube you have too..."

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