44- boggart

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*3rd year*
*the fears of most people will be switched*

"Alright Neville your up" professor lupin called and he slowly walked up with his hands shaking slightly "now, you remember what to do?" He asks and Neville nods "Perfect now I'm
Going to open it, everyone step back a good 2 feet please" lupin says then with a wake of his hand then just a simple photo of bellatrix lestrange showed up saying wanted death eater escape from Azakaban and Neville only looks at it eyes slightly wide "R-Ridikuls" he says lowdly with a flick of his wand and it changed now with her and clown makeup on with a bright blue Afro making people chuckle

"Good job mr longbottom! Next up, ah miss bell" he says giving Neville a pat on the shoulder who smiles and walks to the back of the class and then the girl walks up and the picture quickly turns to a rather large snake which she then makes disappear then a few more people went up all doing it successfully within a few tries.

"Ah Harry your up!" Remus says after Ron makes the spider disappear.

"1...2..3" Remus says and the current object turns into a large glass jug filled with red liquid with a face plastered on it and Harry goes wide eyed with his 'nope not today' face plastered on

"Nope I'm not fuckin with this today!" Harry shouts waking backwards shaking his head "is that- is that the koolaid man??" Malfoy says and everyone laughs at Harry who is still wide eyed backing up even more as the koolaid man walked closer yelling "OH YEAH!!!!!" And Harry yelps seemingly terrified of it quickly scrambling even further back and everyone only laughs more as lupin just stares highly confused and slightly amused although he would never admit to it

"For fuck sakes someone make this THING leave!" Harry yells sounding angry
And malfoy just laughs stepping in front of Harry and it stands still for a moment before turning into a bleeding person

"No" malfoy breaths rushing forward dropping to his knees eyes wide holding his hands over the wound trying to stop the blood. Remus quickly puts a spell over them so no one else can see but him Harry and Draco seeing as Harry was close "nonono" Draco repeats panic in his voice "Severus NO!" He shouts sounding like he was about to lose it when Remus as quickly as possible shouts Ridikulus making it disappear and go back in the closet and Draco seems to snap it of it wiping his hands over his face as Harry just collapses on the ground breathing heavy

"That was the most terrifying thing ever" he says and Draco nods

"Juice is NOT suppose to be Alive let alone smash through walls giving stranger kids the same liquid that's INSIDE him" Harry says and Draco just looks over and let's out a breathless laugh at his boyfriend

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