4- muggle music #1 pt 1

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Harry's POV

"Can I have your attention please!" Dumbledore tells over the great hall making us all fall silent.

"Great so we have decided to throw a talent show here at Hogwarts for years 6+ and you will have to write your name and your partner or partners on a sheet of paper by 2 days time but no more then 4 people per group and the sighs up sheet will be in each of you common rooms. You can sing, dance, show, comedy, whatever you want it just can't be over 5 minutes long per group. That will be all... Oh and it will be in 1 week on Monday in the great hall at 12pm so you classes are canceled that's all so please get back to the feast." Dumbledore finished making the great hall burst into whispers.

I look over at the Slytherin table to look at My beautiful boyfriend but no one else knows that me and Draco are dating obviously only to see him already look at me.

I tilt my head to the doors of the great hall signalling for him to meet me out there and he stands up and walks out and I wait a couple mins so people won't seem suspicious.

"Hey Ron mione I'm not really that hungry I'm just gonna head to the library to work on my homework I will meet you in the common room in a couple hours" I say.

"Yea sure that's fine" Hermione says to me not even looking up from her book as she takes another night of her potato's.

"Yea mate bring back any good potion books if you find one" Ron says to me through a mouthful of chicken.

"Er ya alright bye" I say while standing and walking out of the great hall.

"Took you long enough" Draco says grabbing my hand and giving me a peck on the cheek making me blush.

"Awe is Harry blushing" he taunts me.

"No shut up" I mumble with a small smile on my face.

"We should go to the ROR dinners going to end soon." Draco says while walking forward.

  ~~~ when there in ROR~~~

"Do you want to do the talent show?" I ask him as I say between his legs on the couch in from of a big fireplace with a fuzzy blanket on us and he runs his hands through my hair.

"Hmm yea sure I mean it would be a pretty damn cool way to come out to everyone" Draco chuckles while playing with my hair still.

"Yea" I chuckled lightly too while sitting up and turning to look at him.

"What would we do? In the talent show I mean" Draco asks me while moving over to the fire to put more wood in it.

"Hmm well can you dance or sing?" I ask him genuinely curious.

"Well I'm 100% not dancing you know I'm rubbish at that" he says making me laugh just remembering him dancing one time while drunk.

"Merlin I remember you dancing now at a muggle bar I completely forgot about that" I say while laughing still.

"Yea let's not remember that I was not used to muggle beer and shots ok" Draco says while putting his head in his hands embarrassed.

"Hey it's fine you know I was terrible at dancing to I mean did u see me at the Yule ball 4 years ago at least you can ball dance I couldn't do any dance well no I could do that sexy dance back then too but I only did that a couple times at a bar and a strip club" I say remembering  this really awesome dance I did that was super sexy and flirty and remembering all the girls staring at me ewwww nasty.

"Hmm I haven't seen you dance since 4th year now that I think about it" Draco says while scratching his neck.

"Yea well I'm not doing a sexy dance in front of the whole school all the 1st years would be scarred" I chuckle out.

"But I will show you sometime" I say with a wink making Draco's face turn red and me burst out laughing after.

"Ooook so what about singing I mean I've only sang in the shower or when I'm alone in the common room." I say

"Yea I've caught you singing once in the kitchens you actually really good I just didn't tell you" Draco says while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

"It's fine" I say with a smile

"I used to always sing and do karaoke at Slytherin party's and I people would usually say I was good and I could hit the really tuff note very well but I haven't sang anything since mum died." Draco says to me

"Oh well then you don't have to sing if you don't want to" I say with a sad smile.

"No it's fine I kinda miss it anyways I guess I would rather you hear me sing for the first time in a long time then anyone." He says to me with a smile.

"Do you have a song and I can just sing a part and you can tell me if I'm good or not" he chuckled at the last part.

"Hmm yea how about secret love by little mix" I say. "If you can sing that without any voice cracks then I would say you are pretty darn good"

"Hmm yea ok

Why can't you hold me in the streets?

Why can't i kiss you on the dance floor?

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't it be like that?

Cuz I'm yours"  Draco sings and I But in his o sing the next part.

"When your with him do you call his name like when you do when your with me?

Does it feel the same?

Would you leave if I was ready to settle down?

Or would you okay it safe and stay?

Girl you know this we got a love that is homeless." I sing and then me and Draco look at each other and smile.

"Your a very very good singer you should sing more often" I tell him making him smile and blush.

"You should to" he says making me blush now.

"Well what song should we do and I will sign us both up." I asked him.

"Why don't we sing this song called halo by the queen bee Beyoncé" he says with a huge grin on his face.

"Ok so do you want to just meet here every night at idk 6 instead of 8 so we can practice for and hour or two?"

"Ya sure ok. Hey I have to go ron and Hermione are probably wondering where I am I just told ten I was going to do my homework in the library" I sat with a pouty face.

"Your such a dork when you make that face and I better go to by raven" he says to me while standing up and giving me a hug.

"By dragon love you" I say while lifting my head off his cheesy and giving him a short but sweet kiss.

"Love you to" he says and with that we walk back to our own dorms.

~~~ Monday before show~~~

"Next up Draco and Harry!" Dumbledore yells over the crowd making it fall silent in shock.

"Okayyyy come on lets go" I whisper to Draco.


Okay I'm going to make a part 2 to this so don't worry I just didn't want this to be to long and the next one is probably not going to be as long as this one because there isn't much left to this shot but there is enough to where I find this would be to long if I did it all in one so I will update ASAP

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