"What is it, Luna?" William asked.

"Uh... ummm..." Luna was starting to feel panicked. The three of them just stared at Luna. "I need to speak with Grayson," Luna blurted out.

Grayson looked surprised. Michael and William grinned. "He's all yours," William said. He and Michael walked away, leaving Luna and Grayson. Luna stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to start.

Grayson noticed Luna feeling uncomfortable. "Would you like to dance?" Luna gladly took the offer; it should help with the nerves. Luna placed her hand on Grayson's outreached arm and he led her to the center of the room where several others were dancing.

They stopped in the middle of many others. Grayson took Luna's arms and placed them both on his shoulders, her forearm gently up against his chest. Luna's eyes opened wider. Grayson then placed his hands on either sides of Luna's cinched in waist. Luna's heart skipped a beat.

They swayed from side to side to the emotional music playing loudly in the room. Luna found herself not wanting the moment to end. Grayson's smile did not change as he looked deeply into Luna's eyes.

"What did you need to speak to me about?" Grayson asked, breaking the spell Luna was under.

"Oh," Luna said blinking quickly, her eyes moving away from Grayson's. "I... I don't know how to begin." Luna paused. She took a deep breath in and held it for a second. "I like you too."

'There! I said it!' Luna let out a great sigh of relief. She felt a huge weight lift off her chest. Grayson's feet stopped moving; they paused on the dance floor. Luna's racing heart continued to race. Grayson then started swaying to the music again, the edges of his lips turned up into a smile, but before he could say anything, Luna spoke.

"I know that I am leaving soon and that I will be gone for several months. Like how you didn't expect anything from me when you told me you liked me, I don't expect anything from you either. I just wanted to tell you that I like you too. I know your feelings will change as soon as I leave, that's why I didn't want to say anything, but I felt I had to for myself." Luna was running out of breath.

"Luna," Grayson said softly. "I'm happy to hear that you feel the same way. This was the first time I felt unsure about the other person's feelings."

Luna unintentionally scoffed.

"You don't know the thoughts and feelings that went through my mind after I confessed and you seemed to have rejected me. I thought you didn't feel the same."

"No, I did," Luna interjected. "I just... didn't think you actually really liked me."

"Why would I tell you something I didn't mean? Especially when it's my feelings?"


"You need to have more confidence in yourself," Grayson said, pulling Luna in closer to him. "You are beautiful; everyone sees it, but you."

"It's just hard to think that someone as perfect as you," Luna said slowly. "Can like someone as... average as me." Luna looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Even if you are the most average girl in the world, I don't care. You are beautiful to me and that's all that matters."

Gray lifted his right arm from Luna's waist and lifted Luna's chin up with his forefinger. Luna's eyes, wide open, stared at Grayson's smiling face. Luna and Grayson stopped dancing and stared into each other's eyes. As the music continued playing in the background, Grayson slowly lowered his face down closer to Luna's. Luna didn't hesitate this time. Luna gently closed her eyes as she felt the touch of Grayson's warm lips on hers.

Time seemed to have stopped; the music became silent and everyone disappeared. There was only Luna and Grayson left in the center of the room; Luna's arms still around Grayson's neck, Grayson's hands around her waist, pressing her up against his body as their kiss came to an end. They slowly pulled away from one another's lip to catch their breath. Luna smiled shyly.

"Our first kiss," Luna said. The music and chattering of the guests came back into the background.

"That was our second kiss," Grayson said and smiled slyly.


***Hi all! I hope you are enjoying the story. Thank you for continuing to love and support "He Loves Me". I really appreciate each and every one of you for coming back to read the story whenever I update.***


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