Cars and abandoned houses

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Elsa's P.O.V.
Jack's hands reached the hem of my shirt and was about to take it off when I get a call. I get up and reach for my phone, seeing the call was from Merida. I just put it down, wrapping my arms around Jack's neck as he lays me down again, smirking.

He placed his lips on mine and kissed roughly, the only sound in the room being our heavy breathing. Jack moved to my neck, his hand sliding down my thigh. He smirks as I get turned on by his gesture. Jack ran his hand up my thigh and grips my waist.

"You know what I want." Jack whispers on my neck and I nod. Jack slips his hand in my jeans and fingers me. I claw at his back, trying to calm my emotions. Jack explores my body when my phone vibrates. Jack and I get up and I answer my phone.

"Elsa where are you right now?" Anna asked.

"At home with Jack, why?" I ask.

"Um, mom and I are in a bit of a situation."

"I swear if you're asking me to see what top looks cute I'm nlot helping."

"No, not that. Um, do you think you and Jack can help us?"

"What's wrong? Anna you sound scared." I stand up.

"It's Hans." I look at Jack who got my message.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"The aba-" Anna is cut off as the phone is dropped and screams could be heard.

"Anna is that Flee?"


"Anna!" The call ends and I get up, going to my closet and rummaging through it.

"What's happening with Anna and Flee?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, but she said something about Hans." I say.

"But what was Flee doing with Anna?" Jack asked.

"I don't know Jack. I thought my mom and Anna went to court to get the divorce papers." I pull out a gun and Jack backs up.

"Whoa, why the Hell do you have a gun!"

"Relax, the gun isn't for you, it's for Hans when I see him. And why would I shoot you?" I scoff.

"Well do you know how to use it?" Jack smirks.

"Not ready." I said. Jack came behind me and held my arms in front of me. I hold my breath from how close he was to me.

"The one thing to always remember, if you want me to hold you all you need to do is ask."

"Jack." I chuckle.

"Oh don't pretend you don't know how to use a gun. I know everyone who owns a gun knows how to use it."

"Yeah and don't try to deny you were going hard at how close you were to me." I smirk. Jack blushed and I grab my coat.

"Karma's a bitch." I smile.

"Now come on, let's get to our sisters. But I don't have a car so I don't know how to get to Anna and Flee." I say.

"I have a way." Jack smirks.

"Oh no." I chuckle.

"Come on." We walk downstairs and outside as I put my hands over my mouth.

"How did you afford that!" I smile.

"My dad got it for me." We walk to the black Lamborghini and Jack helps me in as he got in as well.

"This is amazing." I smile as Jack starts the engine.

"And good engine." Jack smiles at me.

"Ok so where did Anna say she was?" Jack asked.

"She didn't get to finish the sentence but it sounded like she was trying to say abandoned building." I said.

"Why there?" Jack asked.

"Because Anna, Merida, Rupunzle and I would film videos there."

"You were a YouTuber?" Jack asked as we start driving.

"Yeah, but stopped."


"Because my father didn't want me doing it. That's why I got pissed when I saw you and your channel."

"So you were jealous?" Jack smirks.

"Hell no. I was glad that my ego didn't get that big but it reminded me of my past." I sigh. We soon arrived at the building and was hesitant to get out.

"What?" Jack asked as I get out of the car.

"This house, it's Hans's old house." Jack puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll be right behind you." Jack smiled as we walk into the house.

"Anna!" I shout out. I listen, hoping to hear something.

"Elsa, up here." I hear Flee and Jack and I run upstairs. We bust through the door and I grab the knife from my pocket, cutting Anna's ropes.

"I thought you and mom were at court." I say.

"We went out to eat, sorry."

"I'm just glad you're alright." I cut Flee's ropes as she ran to her brother.

"Now where's Hans?" I ask.

"He isn't here right now." Flee said.

"Ok then let's get out of here." Jack said.

"Wait where's mom?" I ask Anna.

"Back home."

"Ok let's go." I said as we quickly get out of the house and into the car, speeding away.

"Why would Hans want us?" Flee asked.

"I'll tell you when we get back home." Jack said and I bite my lip.

"I'll be at your house tomorrow after school." Jack whispers to me.

"Thank you." I smile as Jack took my hand in his. We get to my house and Anna and I get out. We go inside as my mom ran at us, hugging us.

"Are you two alright, where were you, I was so worried?"

"We're fine, but mom-" My mom's phone rang and she answers it.


"Yes this is she."

"No my daughters are home, they just came home."

"How did you girls get home?" My mom asked.

"Jack." I said and my mom went back on the phone.

"My oldest daughter's boyfriend Jack Frost." I look at Anna in confusion as she shrugs.

"Was Flee with you?" My mom asked.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Yes." My mom told the person on the other side of the phone. The person on the other side said something and my mom gave us a sad nod.

"Thank you officer." My mom hang up the phone.

"That was a police officer. He said that Anna and Flee were trapped in an abandoned house with Hans. He's been arrested but they said something."

"What?" I ask.

"We need to move."

Frost and snowflakes. A jelsa love story. Where stories live. Discover now