The boy at the window

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Elsa's P.O.V.

"No!" I cry, falling to the ground in tears as Jack comforts me.

"Get away from her!" My father pushed Jack to the ground.

"No father, you stay away from Jack!" I yell, pushing my father away from Jack.

"You think Frost can give you what I've given you all your life?"

"You mean what you couldn't give!" I cry, protecting Jack. My father pulls out a gun and aims it at Jack.

"Fredrick!" My mother ran at him but is pushed aside.

"Winters!" My father turns around at Mr. Frost.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!"

"Drake, what are you doing here?" My father asked.

"I came to tell you that I agreed with the deal but apparently I stopped my son and your daughter from being murderd. Forget the deal, my company will never and I mean never do business with yours."


"No buts, now get the hell away from us." My father ran for the hills as I help Jack to his feet.

"Thank you Mr. Frost." My mom smiled.

"Of course. So this is the Elsa my son has been talking so much about." Mr. Frost smiled at me.

"Dad, meet Elsa, my girlfriend." Jack smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you Elsa."

"Thank you." I smile. A young girl with long brunette hair ran at Jack.

"Hay Flee." Jack smiled.

"Hi. Do you know where Anna is?"

"In the school." I smile.

"Thank you. No wonder why you have her picture all over your room." Flee smirks.

"You went in my room!"

"Yes." Flee ran toward the school and Jack growls.

"Relax Jack, we'll get her next time."


"Wow, I can't believe graduation is coming up so soon." I smile as we walk through the crowded school.

"Yeah, what are your plans after school?" Flinn asked.

"I originally was going to Harvard but now that I'm with Jack I don't know." I smile as we walk into class. We sit on the table talking when laughing came in the room, walking up to us.

"What were you saying about me?"

"Jack I've told you I don't like being on camra." I push the phone away.

"Come on you look hot."

"And Jack is cold as ice." Hiccup mocks. Flinn and I laugh and I see my friends walk in the room.

"Elsa why are you-"

"I meant to text you but things came up. Jack and I are dating." I smile at Jack as they're mouths drop.

"Well will we at least have the sleepover we always do on your birthday?" Rupunzle asked.

"Oh, sorry girls but Jack already is taking me out."

"But we never break that tradition." Merida said.

"I'm sorry, please don't be mad."

"Girls if this is what Elsa wants then we shouldn't get in the way." Rupunzle said and the bell rings. My friends leave and Jack and I take our seats. 

"Ok class let's begin."

As I go to my locker to put my books away for the day and a note falls out. I grab it and read it.

"Follow the snowflakes and you'll find me." I read. Looking behind me I see a post it with a snowflake on it. I walk past it and see another one. I follow the trail outside as they lead me to the tree outside.

"Did you get my message?" Jack smirks.

"Yeah." I chuckle, walking up to him.

"I have something for you."

"Oh really?" I smile.

"Yeah, come on." Jack climbed up the tree as I follow. We get to the top and my foot slips as Jack caught me, helping me back up.

"Carful." I look at Jack in confusion.

"Look down." I look down and gasp.

"After your father broke your old computer and phone, I immediately got you a new computer and phone, and it's the latest version with all-" I cut Jack off, smashing my lips on his.

"Thank you Jack."


"Mom, Anna I'm home." I call as I close the door. I walk up to my room and fall on my bed with my new computer. I see that Jack has already sent me many messages.

Jack: Do you like your gifts?

Jack: Elsa?

Jack: ELSA!

Jack: If Hans even looks at you he's dead.

I chuckle at the messages and send him a message.

Me: I'm fine Jack. And yes I do love the gifts.

Jack: I will spoil you until there's nothing left.

Me: You really don't need to.

Jack: I know, but I want to.

Me: ☺️.

Jack FaceTimes me and I answer his call.

"You know I really am grateful for all you do for me Jack." I smile.

"I know you always got what you wanted but I will give you everything you want."

"It's different when it comes from you." A knock on my window and look over.

"I'll be right back." Putting my computer down, I walk to my window and open the curtains, opening the window.

"What are you doing here?" I roll my eyes.

"I heard what happened with your dadm, I wanted to see if you were ok."

"That was three days ago." I roll my eyes.

"I know but I wanted to give you something."

"Really?" I ask, a little hostile. Hans surprised me as he pressed his lips on mine. I try to get away but Hans didn't let me. I open my eyes and remember Jack was still on FaceTime. Smirking, I push Hans away from me.

"What the Hell Hans!" I yell so Jack could hear.

"Hans!" I hear Jack yell from my door and I smirk at Hans.

"Oops, did I forget Jack was listening?"

"You little-" Hans looked at Jack who stands behind me.

"Say it Hans, I dare you." Jack snaps.

"I'll be back." I just shut the window and close the blinds.

"Yeah, back in Hell." Jack scoffed.

"What are you doing here Jack?" I smile.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well you definitely did." I smile and Jack gently pressed his lips on mine, kissing slow as I rake my hand through his hair. Jack backs me up to the wall and pins my hands above my head as he starts nipping at my neck. I crain my neck, giving Jack more room as I held back my moan.

Jack goes down my neck and soon reached my chest. We both knew what this meant and Jack moved us to my bed, laying me down as he rids himself of his shirt.

"Jack what about my family?" I moan as he finds my sweat spot.

"They left for court, which means you're all mine."

Frost and snowflakes. A jelsa love story. Where stories live. Discover now