Answer ; Some fact

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The masked man is still there so what the hell is going on

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The masked man is still there so what the hell is going on.

Sebenarnya someone told me that dia dh rewind banyak kali m/v idol yet tak jumpa pon org bertopeng nih.

Fam kita sama, but aq husnudzon jelah. Maybe kita yg tak nampak cause like if benda ni ada confirm lagi best nak rungkai BTS punya theory.

Sumpah aq rasa BTS was like having some depression (lol ofc there are) cause dia org was like obviously hiding their sadness and we can see it through their songs. Thank god they open up a little to us ARMY.

I'm hopping for the best.


Trivia : seesaw - As you can heard there is a girl voice that harmonized with yoongi. For your information, she is  BigHit Producer , ADORA.

 For your information, she is  BigHit Producer , ADORA

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Nah I'm just so whipped for her. She is talented af tho.

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