Honestly, Luna was too preoccupied with the news of her acceptance into the UCCS that she had not thought about her 'date' with Grayson.

"Well," Luna started. Their dinner arrived and after they were placed on the table, Luna continued. "He took us to a park where we had a picnic."

"Awww, how sweet!"

"He made the lunch we had." Luna smiled, remembering her time with him underneath the great big tree. "And..."


"And... Grayson said that he likes me."

"What?!" Naia gasped loudly. "Oh my goodness! I knew it!"

"Shhh," Luna said putting her finger up to her lips.

"I knew he liked you. He paid too much unnecessary attention to you. if a guy didn't like you, he would not go out of his way to do as much as Grayson did for you. So?"

"So what?"

"What did you say?"

"I... I didn't say anything," Luna replied feeling a bit embarrassed about the situation.

"You didn't tell him that you like him too?"

"Naia! I don't like him," Luna denied.

"Luna," Naia said leaning back in her chair and crossed her arms across her chest. "You don't have to lie to me. I know you like Grayson."

So many thoughts ran across Luna's mind as she sat on the chair. She finally sighed. "I do like him," she said.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." There was a silent pause before Luna spoke again. "I am leaving in two weeks. I don't know if I should do anything."

"You will be coming back in a couple months though," Naia reminded her.

"But what if by then he loses interest in me?" Her insecurity was showing itself again.

"You need to talk to Grayson."

'Talk to Grayson?' Luna didn't even have the confidence to see him again after their 'date'. She felt a bit guilty for how she reacted after he confessed to her. 'No one's ever told me they liked me before,' she thought as she picked up some vegetables from her plate of food.

Luna and Naia finished their dinner and parted ways. As Sean was driving her home, Luna spoke. "Have my parents told you about Brazil?"

"Yes, Miss. I am happy for you."

"Thank you," Luna sighed. "I will miss you and everyone here."

"We will miss you too, Luna."

During the car ride home, Luna received a phone call from Celeste. "William and I are going to throw you a party!"

"There's no need for a party."

"Angel already told me that you agreed to a celebration. This is how we're going to celebrate!" Luna sighed and agreed to the party.

As Luna walked into her room, her phone rang. She looked at who was calling and froze. It was Grayson.

'Do I pick up?' After the fourth ring, Luna answered the call.

"Hello," She said.

"Hi, Luna. I'm sorry I haven't called you the past couple days. I didn't know how you would feel after the lunch date."

'Date.' Luna smiled. And sat down on her bed. It felt so nice to hear Grayson's voice.

"So how have you been?"

"I've been doing well. The past couple days were a bit... exciting and stressful."

"Oh, what happened?"

"Well... I got a letter from an organization that I applied to work with and learned that I have been accepted!" Luna said with excitement in her voice.

"Oh wow! Congratulations!"

"Thank you."

"When do you start?"

"I leave in two weeks."


"Yeah." The excitement died down. She had to tell Grayson eventually. Sooner was better than later. "It's in Brazil."


"Yeah. I will be leaving for Brazil in two weeks."

"For how long?" Luna could hear the gloom in Grayson's voice.

"Until the end of the year."

"Oh." Grayson cleared his throat. "Well, congratulations again," he cheered up his tone.

"Thank you."

"Your sister and brother-in-law invited me to a celebratory party later this week. I can now assume that it's for your acceptance letter?"

Luna smiled. "Yes, it is. My sisters want one more party before I leave."

"Well, I will see you there then."

"Yes, you will." Luna wanted to see Grayson right now, but she didn't want to go into a relationship that she knew was not going to last. She didn't want to get hurt. She knew she would get hurt and she was afraid.

"Good night, Luna." Grayson's deep voice was soothing.

"Good night, Grayson."

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