Chapter 16

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Grace's POV

And he meant a long drive, the managers slept on and off, switching to drive day and night. Finally we got to New York, and I think I was more excited than Corbyn. We waited for Chris at the baggage claim, and when Corbyn saw her he ran. I chased him but he beat me and Christina had jump up onto him. "We need to have a longer discussion about your spider legs." I said running up to him. "And even sassier in person, hello Grace!" She laughed, I giggled as she picked me up, "We stayed in the tour bus for 48 hours." I said, she looked at the boys who nodded and laughed, "Boy I don't wish I was in your shoes!" She said I giggled again as she set me down. "Where to Christina? Ladies choice." Corbyn said I smiled at how happy they were. Zach lifted me onto his back and Chris decided lunch, but then the boys had rehearsal so she'd hang with me. "CHIPOTLE!" Zach screamed running, I screamed and laughed before Jonah picked me off his back. "Band rule, we don't run with scissors, knives, or children." He said, we all laughed and continued walking.

Time skip to show

Christina is even more fun than Corbyn told me. After lunch she took me back to her dorm where her roommates smothered me for about 10 minuets. After I escaped between someone's legs she did my makeup, we had to take it off after because Jonah told her not to. I didn't mind, I thought I looked silly when you couldn't see my freckles. She helped me into my outfit, an overall dress with a white shirt with puffed sleeves, plus a blue bow in my curled hair. Then she took me in an Uber to the show, we got to go backstage to watch, and the crew was really nice! "But the best part, is the limelight party. People who bought limelight tickets get an after party, and they can meet the boys, and me and you today!" She explained, I grinned, that sounded amazing. At around 8:00, the show ended and I followed Christina into the party room. There were colors everywhere and some, sweaty, boys there. I ran up to Zach and went to hug him, but backed up because I liked being dry. "Give us hugs Grace!" Daniel laughed, I shook my head and wrinkled my nose. "Chris?" Corbyn asked, giving her puppy eyes, she sighed and kissed him on the nose, "No more until you get your sweaty self into a shower." She said shaking her finger, a door opened and I jumped back and hid in Zach. "That's one way to get her to touch you!" Jonah laughed as people started coming in. Jack picked me up onto his shoulder, and we walked to a small stage. "HELLO NEW YORK!" Jonah shouted, I covered my ears as everyone screamed. "Now we have two special guests, the one and only Chrrriiiiisstina Marie! And Grace, who is not used to this level of noise!" He shouted, more screaming and Jack put me down. "NOW LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!" I laughed as people started swarming onto the boys and let Christina lead me away. We danced alone for a little until the commotion died down a little and Corbyn came over and swooped her up. I stuck me tongue out at him and he made a face back, I laughed and walked away. "Oh my god! You're Grace right!!" Someone squealed, I felt sharp pains in my arm and turned around to see a teenager with bright makeup and fake nails squeezing my arm. "Yes ma'am." I said, trying to use Ma'am's "Stranger Script." "Oh I'm barely 16, I'm not a Ma'am!" The girl laughed, I gave a nervous smile, "Sorry ma'am." She grinned at me, "Oh well, old habits die hard. Can I get a picture with you?" I tried to keep my smile but it slipped off, "No ma'am, very sorry." I said quickly, she pouted, "How about a Snapchat! That goes away-" I didn't here what she said next because someone ran up and cut her off. "Ugh, why are you talking to the kid, she's just some attention hog." A girl with bright green hair groaned, "Takes one to know one ma'am." I muttered, I saw a pink flash and then the girl had wrapped her hand around my overalls and picked me up. "What'd you say?" She growled, "Takes one to know one. Ma'am." I whispered, she glared and dropped me. "Attention hog." She spat, I stood up and rubbed my bottom and legs where I fell. "Are you ok?" Someone asked, "OMG it's Grace!" Someone else said, "Can we get a photo?" "Hook me up with Zach!" "Why'd the boys pick her?!" People were shouting at me left and right, I felt someone pick me up and I screamed as I was tossed to someone else, "Ma'am! Sir! Whoever! Stop!" I cried as someone else caught me, "Crybaby!" "I saw their live, show your splits!" "Why's she freaking out?" "No! Stop!" I sobbed, I tripped trying to get away and curled into a ball one the floor. "Noo..." I whimpered, it felt like hours of more screaming until I heard a shout that silenced it all. Someone picked me up and I looked to see Zach. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just cried.

Adopted by WhyDon'tWe - Grace Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon