Chapter 10

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Grace's POV

Noah left that night and it was school the next morning. I lie in my bed thinking, the past week had been break and I wasn't sure if I was really ready to face Laila. I rolled over to face the window by my bed. I watched the stars and it calmed me down, "I'll be fine, I'm no longer an orphan, she has nothing to tease me about, Cassie has Logan so she's fine too." I said to myself as I closed my eyes.

"Gracie..." someone whispered shaking me, I growled. "Teasing me this early generally ends very badly." I said opening my eyes to see Corbyn smiling cheekily, I couldn't help but smile to. "Come on, Jonah's cooking so we might have actual food today." He said trying to pick me up, "Alright, alright! I'm up!" I said pushing him off me, we raced downstairs, he won. "No fair, you have long spider legs!" I panted, Daniel cringed as he sat down, "That image is positively horrifying..." he said gagging, "Not my fault you have short sticks for legs!" Corbyn teased, "Brainiac!" "Pipsqueak!" We went back and forth before Jonah came and broke it up. "Hey, let's get through the day and have it not end with a murder trial." He said sitting down in between us. "But murder is fun!" Zach said messing Jonah's hair as he walked by with Jack. We all laughed and they sat down.

It was decided a few days ago that Zach would walk me to school, so when breakfast was over I grabbed my bag and we walked out. "You ready to deal with that Laila again?" He asked as we neared the school, I pushed my scared down inside me and nodded. "Bye Zach!" I yelled running in. I found Cassie and she introduced me to a girl she met over break. Hailey, a foster kid being fostered by the Dolans. "Wait, so you live with two 18 year olds?" I asked, she nodded, "Why so surprised? From what you've told me you live with three 19 year olds, and an 18 and 16 year old!" She said, "Am I the only one here who's guardian is over 21?" Cassie asked we all laughed. We talked a few minutes before two little girls ran into us. "So sorry!" One said, "Very sorry!" The other said, "It's completely fine- hey you guys are the twins! Emma and Emily, right? Living with the Dobre brothers?" Cassie asked, they nodded. One squeaked a little, "Laila!" The other pointed, "Oh no." I groaned pushing the twins behind us. "Well if it isn't the orphan squad, how's being unwanted feel?" Laila teased walking up with her clique, Cassie and I glared at her still hiding the twins. "You realize all of us have been adopted, right?" Hailey said, I groaned a little, trying to push her back. "Aww, that's sweet! Too bad that love is fake!" Laila said, her friends laughed. "Yeah, too bad!" Amanda mocked, "Fake lovers!" Tina added making a heartbreak sign. The bell rang, "Come on we're gonna be late to class." I muttered trying to walk off. "Not so fast." Laila said grabbing me, "You have to pay for what your boyfriend did to me!" She said pushing me down, my head hit the floor and I cried out, "Not so tough without your bodyguards, are ya?!" Laila yelled jumping on me. I could hear Hailey and Cassie calling my name, telling the twins to get a teacher. I saw them trying to pull Laila off me, then I blacked out.

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