Game Play

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After that day of seeing him .... You wondered when you would see him again. You looked at the game but you never had the time to play it untill on day on a weekend. You glanced at the game and grabed it.  You pressed the on button and you seen the Legend Of Zeldea title appear with your high score on the bottom. You clicked start and the sreen was black. Will you see him again?


                                               -When you see him again-

    You looked at the screen and you seen Link laying down dead on the screen and slowly rising up. You hear the Song of Healing play and you see Link slolwy get up.  As Link got up, the statu of BEN Drowned appeared next to him. The statu disappeared and appeared as BEN Drowned again but he looked like Link but the dark version.

   BEN Drowned walked up to Link with a the magical flute and played a song simaliar to the Song of Healing but backwards. As Link screamed in pain and went to his knees, BEN Drowned kept playing the Song of Unhealing.  Link slowly died and fell on the floor, BEN Drowned looked at you from the screen and chuckled.  The Screen went black.

    You looked at the black screen and seen as before BEN Drowned behind you. You turned around and seen BEN Drowned standing there. He looked at you with his dark eyes and he smirked, showing some of his sharp teeth.  You kept a stare at his smirk, you slowly started to talk to the killer. "Hello again...." Slowly backing up from him when you glance at his hands and see the knives. He walks toward you and grined slightly, "Hello my dear."

   You stopped and let him walk up to you. He walked up to you till you were only a feet away from him. "What is your name...?" You looked down to make no eye contact.

"My name... You ask? My name is BEN. BEN Drowned, from the CreepyPasta Organization."

"W-What brings you here...."

His smirk widened and he shruged. "You played the game. When you play the game, I appear."

"What...What are you suppose to do..."

He walked up to you so you two were faced to face. "I'm a killer. I'm supposed to take your soul so you can't beat my high score."

You tilted your head, slightly confused and asked. "Why would you need to keep your high score...?"

He chuckled and he took off his Link hat and his blonde hair showed. " If my high score falls then I disappear to nothing. I get deleted. That's why if someone is a threat and threatens to beat my high score then I kill them."

"Why won't you kill me...." You froze when he came close that he can whisper in your ear.

"Your no threat to my score. Also it would be a shame to kill such a beautiful being."

You shudder and blush lightly. "Uh... What happens no-"

  With that he genly presses his soft lips against yours and your blush grows darker. You wanted to shove him away from the point that you barley know him but his lips were so soft, so gentle against yours that you closed your eyes and felt yourself kissing him back. But as it seemed right when he kissed you, he slowly seperates and looks in your eyes with narrow eyes. "Never play the game again. I have to leave."  You tried to speak but you couldn't find words to say. And before you could say something... He disappeared.

Song Of Unhealing BEN DrownedXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now