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Leukemia is rare. And my type of leukemia, even more so. I have Acute Myeloid Leukemia, which means that my red blood cells and bone marrow are not working correctly. And if you're not careful the tainted blood can spill into other organs and cause them to malfunction. Without treatment, this form of leukemia is very deadly. And at the same time they don't really know how to treat it without the side effects becoming worse than the disease itself. I can get sick extremely easily and my bone marrow could not control the production of my blood sending my body in all types of confusion.

Basically... it sucks.

"So since you're done with radiation and you're body accepted it you have chemotherapy tomorrow and we gave you a two day recovery time. Then Thursday we will do some more tests and see where to go from there" my nurse Tamara explains to me as she stands at the end of my bed.

"Right. Just one question...when is this going to be all over" I ask as she smiles at me.

"That date is to be determined" she claims.

"I have another question" I admit. "If you were me, what would you do? Would you start a bucket list? Do make-a-wish? Start a stand up comedy show in here to profit off my pain like most people do nowadays" I ask as she laughs at me.

"Since you're staying here I'm pretty sure you do get a wish" she admits.

"Alright. I wish a extremely handsome man will walk through this door and he will be he answer to all my problems" I smirk and she just shakes her head.

As she opens her mouth to say something back someone knocks on my door. She looks at me expecting me to know who that would be but I just shrug. I wasn't expecting anyone, and if it was anyone I knew they would have just walked in without knocking in the first place.

"Come in" I yell and the door handles slowly turns. The door opens and I get frozen in my hospital bed. 

In walks the most incredibly handsome man I've ever seen in my whole life, and I've met Ryan Lochte. I mean he kinda looked like a angel with the way the light from my window was hitting him. It gave him this glowing halo that made it feel like I was dreaming. He was pretty thick, nearly busting out of his jeans and blue polo shirt. He had a head full of curly brown hair that made me miss mine. He had these big brown eyes and a nice smile as he admires the setup in my room. Now I've had my fair share of hot nurses, but he put them all to shame. This man looked god-like and it made me so weak. Well... weaker.

"Hello. Is Maliyah Collins here" the man asks and I smile.

"She's right over there" Tamara says as she points at me.

The man shifts his eyes from her to me and I feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I was in no state to meet a cute guy right now, but I didn't have much of a choice. It's not like I could run away, I couldn't even walk right now after that radiation treatment. As soon as his eyes meet mine immediately his lips pull into a big smile. His eyes search me trying to get familiar with me, trying to find something but I'm not really sure what it is. I haven't seen someone look at me the way he did since before I got sick. It was... nice.

"When they told me that there was a cutie in the room at the end of the hall they weren't lying" he claims and I couldn't help but smile. I laugh a little as he lets himself into my room. "I'm Anthony Rizzo, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says sticking his hand out. I place my hand in his as he shakes my hand.

"I'm Maliyah. But you can call me Mal or Leah" I explain.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mal" he smiles.

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