Shadow: A Talk with Tower

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Of course you have, I think, still in shock.

"They believe it's a side effect of your memory's manipulation from Professor Gerald's device, and they assured me it can be mitigated if you perform some exercises to improve self-awareness."

"They did? So, there's a solution?" I let loose a breath I hadn't know I was holding, suddenly very relieved. "Thank Chaos."

"I will expect you to do those exercises," Tower continues, giving me a stern look.

"Of course, sir," I say, taken aback. "Anything." He directs me to pick up the instructions at the head psych's office, and he briefly goes over how he'll want Rouge to check my mission reports over from now on. It's nothing strange, which is strange in itself, but I don't question his leniency. Tower has his own reasons for his actions, and, even if I don't understand them, I can respect them.

It's only when I go to leave, feeling both relieved and unsettled, that any out of the ordinary happens at all, but I don't quite understand the reasoning behind this, either. Right as I walk out the door, I hear Tower's mutter from behind me: "Anything? I hope you don't mean that," and then I'm gone, wondering if it was just my imagination. With my hearing, I should have heard that comment loud and clear, but I barely caught it.

At any rate, it gives me something to think about as I head to accomplish my errand, unsure of what exactly is going on in the heads of anyone I know.

'Anything'? Well, I did say that, but I didn't mean anything. Surely he doesn't think I mean... I come to a standstill, suddenly very inclined to punch myself in the face. Oh, Chaos, am I an idiot! Of course I go and say that while there's a mind and memory manipulating alien at G.U.N.!

Sighing heavily, I resume moving, this time trudging instead of walking.

Just another entry on 'Shadow's Moronic Accomplishments'... I seem to be having a lot of those lately. Hopefully I won't make a habit of it. I sigh, frustrated and disappointed in myself.

Well, it can only get better from here right? I snort, not finding my joke funny.

Yeah, right...


"Shadow?" Rouge's voice catches me by surprise, and I look up from my desk to see her head pop through the door. "Are you busy?"

"No, not really," I reply, frowning.

Why would she ask me that? Does she want my help on something non-work-related?

"Good," she says, slipping into our shared office. "Because, I'd like to talk to you."

"About what?" I ask, turning back to my desk. If it's only talking she wants, I can continue working on this report. I'm hoping to get all of them done ahead of time, so I don't have to rush at the end of the time limit--and so I don't forget anything else in the meantime, but I don't want to admit that. Besides, if she wanted all of my attention, she'd just tell me.

I momentarily falter in my conviction when I hear an aggravated sigh from behind me, but I don't turn around. If Rouge wanted me to, she would say so, right? The thought is far less sure than it was only seconds before.

"How did your encounter with Abe come along?" She asks, and, while she does seem to be genuinely asking, I have a hunch this isn't her goal.

"It was less painful than I anticipated," I reply, resisting the urge to glance back as I navigate through my document, reading it over.

"That's good. Was he mad?"

"He was pretty closed off. I would place it as more disappointment," I state blandly, having gotten over my own feelings on the matter.

"So, no demotion?"

"Surprisingly, no." I finish the document; I briefly consider reading it over again to delay whatever it is Rouge is here for, but I know it's pointless. Closing out and filing it, I finally turn around to look at her, telling myself that I'm not dreading this, no matter what my mind is needlessly worrying about.

"You done?" Rouge questions, gesturing briefly to the computer. I nod, settling my rotating chair so that it directly faces hers. No sense in being worried about having a simple conversation, I remind myself, but the feeling of dread still remains. Studying my friend, I start to understand why.

Her posture is that special one she reserves for when she's worried. Seemingly relaxed, her muscles are in fact tensed, eyes scanning with more intensity than usual. There's not many people I can read so well, but Rouge has been a mainstay of my life on this planet, and I've had plenty of time to learn her signals. Her advice the other day helps, as well, and I ask myself why she would be so rigid, trying to divulge an answer in her clear blue eyes and unreadable expression.

"Tower double-checked with the scientists," I begin, uncomfortable with starting the conversation. Rouge almost always fills the roll; she must be putting all of her energy into observing me, even as I am her. "Eclipse appeared asleep during the incident yesterday, and his vitals check out. No changes around that time. He really didn't have anything to do with it, but Tower said he reminded them to keep a careful eye on him."

"Good." The noncommittal answer isn't unusual for Rouge, but I find myself confused all the same. I would have thought she'd be eager to go into all the ways G.U.N. should be monitoring the alien darkling.

"You're not more interested in that?" I ask carefully, trying to figure out why she's acting so oddly.

"No, I am. I just..." She sighs, a genuine one I rarely hear from her. I'm not sure, but I would guess she's at odds with herself. Without knowing what about, though, I can hardly give her advice the same way she does me. "I've been worried, but I keep telling myself it's foolish."

"Oh," I reply, startled by her sudden words. "What are you worrying about?"

"Someone I know. I think it's just jealousy, though."

"What does jealousy have to do with it?" I question, stumped by the lack of information. "Is it another romantic thing?" I ask suspiciously, peering at her. I've never known her to get upset over one of her flings--to the contrary, she loves to brag about them--but it's not impossible she likes someone and feels left out. "If someone's rejecting you, I can't say I know any solutions for that."

"No, nothing like that," she laughs, though it's a bit forced. "No. It's different."

"That's not information I can work with," I inform her dryly, rolling my eyes.

"You could, you're just not a woman. If you were, you might have caught on by this point," she says, and I'm greatly relieved to hear actual amusement in her voice his time. "Ah, don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure I'm just overreacting."

"Well, I'm so glad I spent minutes of my life listening to a problem you want me to forget," I grumble, feeling foolish myself for having worried. Knowing me, I probably read way too much into this, and Rouge just needed to sort out her thoughts.

"Thanks, though." My friend's words catch me off guard, and I look at her in surprise. "I'm glad you listened."

"Er, yeah," I say, giving her a curious look. "Anytime." She smiles at me, winks, and turns to her desk, humming. Shaking my head in amazement, I return to my computer as well.

That was strange, I think to myself as I search for something more to accomplish. But, I'm glad she's feeling better.

I only wish I knew who she was worried about.

Author's Note: Wattpad wasn't loading for me last night, so here's this chapter. Next up is in Eclipse's POV. I hope you readers enjoyed and that I get to hear from you again!

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