25th December (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

They were so caught up in their own little bubble of joy and tranquility, they barely noticed the car drive away without another word from her parents, seemingly not wanting to interrupt the moment.

Azura smiled as Jordan tucked a stray lock of her behind her ear, the small gesture meaning the world to her. Her eyes roamed down his face, until finally landing on a new sight behind him.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, a little surprised. "They've strung lights up in our alley." Her gaze swept past the fairy lights which were casting a warm yellow glow over the previously dark and gloomy alleyway.

Looking to where she was pointing, he murmured a soft, "Oh, yeah"

A few beats passed where no-one said a word. But it was a nice sort of silence, peaceful and calm, like they knew that they had all the time in the world to be themselves.

A sudden bark, broke them out of their reverie. Sky bounded towards them, his pink tongue panting as his tail wagged furiously in the air. With a dramatic leap as he neared them, he landed right on Azura, forcing her to lose her balance and fall into the snow with a low thump. As the girl struggled to push the dog off, Sky proceeded to thoroughly cover her face in large wet licks.

"Jordan!" she sputtered, "Help me!"

He just laughed, clutching onto the wall for support as he doubled over in laughter, tears threatening to spill at the comical sight of his girl being completely overpowered by a small white puppy. And then he immediately regretted it as the wound in his abdomen sent a sharp pain shooting through his body.

Karma, he supposed.

Cringing, he sobered up, shooting Azura a sheepish grin.

Finally succeeding in getting the dog under control, she rubbed his ears, while sending the deadliest glare she could muster in Jordan's direction.

"I brought you here to give you something," she muttered, still a little peeved.

"I have something to give to you too."

"Really?" she asked, her voice an echo of surprised elation. "I didn't think you'd get me anything."

"Of course I got you something. It's Christmas after all."

And with that, he pulled out a small brown paper bag from the pocket of his long sleeved jacket. How he managed to keep it there safely in pristine condition throughout everything that happened, Azura didn't know. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered, not even the contents of the bag. It was the thought that really counted, and the fact that he cared, meant the world.

Azura's hand slowly reached for the bag. It was taped shut, and it had sloppily drawn Christmas trees all over it. Tearing the tape off, and giving Jordan a small grin, she reached inside to pull out the contents.

And she gasped.

In her hand was a little snowglobe, complete with a couple standing in the centre, holding hands. The dark blue bottom was covered in intricate silver etching, and it was filled with soft, glittering fake snow. It was beautiful, it was perfect, and she loved it.

She could feel her eyes getting a little misty, as she flung her arms around Jordan's neck in a tight embrace.

"Thank you," she whispered, the two words speaking volumes of how she felt.

Jordan smiled in reply. "I'm glad you like it."

Untangling herself from Jordan's body, she braced herself to give him his own present. Taking off the large white tote bag, which her parents had given to her at the hospital, she reached inside a pulled out a thick, black binder. Taking a deep breath, her eyes locked with his, and she held it out to him reverently.

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