24th December

100 22 44

8:00 am

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8:00 am

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm was blaringly loud, and Azura had the inexplicable urge to throw it against the wall. She wondered why she even set it in the first place.

But she didn't give in to the temptation of brutally destroying her phone, and instead switched it off, and sat up, drowsily.

She blinked, trying to clear her vision of the misty haze obstructing her view. She stood up, and after a quick stretch, yanked her blinds open. She sighed as the warm morning sunlight filtered into her room, casting everything in a warm, pleasent glow.

Azura smiled at the sight, and let out a little huff, sitting back down onto her bed. She glanced at her phone to check the time. Eight on the dot.

She wondered when a good time would be, to go see Jordan. She knew he had a morning shift today, so she figured that she should go in the evening.

She watched her legs swing at the edge of her bed, and remembered that she still had Christmas presents to buy for all her friends and family.

She had been so preoccupied with everything going on with Jordan, that it completely slipped her mind that Christmas was coming.

"Hmmm," she mused out loud. "I wonder what Jordan's doing right now."

She blinked and then laughed, a light laugh which ended as soon as it began. She bit her lip as she realised that everything eventually seemed to lead her mind straight back to Jordan.

All rivers lead to the ocean. All thoughts lead to Jordan.

And her smile grew fond as she realised that she didn't mind at all.

She probably looked a little stupid, swinging her legs and smiling to herself. But she couldn't bring herself to care when everything was finally bright and happy and joyful.

She fell back down onto her plush comforter, and held one of her pillows to get chest.

"It's a good day to be alive," she murmured, and her thoughts once again wandered back to the boy who made her palms feel clammy and her heart pound.

7:47 pm

Azura walked out of the mall, bags in hand and a smile on her face.

After spending almost four hours shopping, one was of course, bound to be exhausted. But having finished with the task of buying suitable gifts for all her friends and family, she did feel a certain sense of satisfaction.

Sighing, she dropped her bags to the ground, and pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail, trying to push her bangs away from her face.

She picked them up again, and started on her long walk home, cursing herself for not bringing the car.

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