Chapter Six: Nicknames Cut Deep

Start from the beginning

I take a deep breath, "I have no idea." I mumble. It grows quiet and I can't believe Liam is here, right now. It's so surreal. He left, and now he is back and already half way on reaching his dream, our dream. I check the time on my phone to see it's seven. I stand up and brush myself off. "Well, it was nice to catch up. Maybe we can do it again some other time, or never." I joke and they start chuckling, but I'm serious, I never want to do this again, "But I'm going to go back home. It's getting late and I have work tomorrow."

"But it's only seven, and I thought you said you don't start work until after next week." Jay says and I chuckle lightly trying not to scream at him.

"I asked to start early. I'm trying not to party as much this summer. Ya know?" I spit the words out.

"Partying? But Gabs, I thought partying was a just a one time thing for you?" There it was. The way he uses my nickname. It's the way he is acting all casual and the fact that he still remembers the past and is probably not going to forget. It's everything and I want to scream in frustration. I look down at him and take a deep breath nodding my head.

"I guess we really do change after high school." I say, giving him the same exact jab he gave me. "Well, goodnight guys. See you back home." Bella nods her head eyeing me carefully and I nod back.

"Bye, Gaby." Jay tells me and I smile back at him.

"It was nice seeing you again, Gaby." Liam sips his beer and I stiffly nod my head and start to scurry into the house. The nerve he has. How dare he waltz in here like that? Who does he think he is? I swear, I'm going - someone heavy bumps into me causing me to twist my legs and before anything, I see water from the pool, but there is nothing I can do to stop myself. I throw myself forward falling on my left knee. I feel the skin from my knee tear from the cement and as I try to avoid falling in, I feel my right leg slip into the water along with my right hand. I lose my flip-flop in the water as I jump away from the edge of the pool, as if it were burning lava. I don't think about how I lost my favorite pair of sandals in the water, or that I'm going to transform any minute now, or how everyone will be seeing me with a tail, I think about how doomed I am now that Liam will be staying for the rest of the summer. The universe hates me.

"Whoa, I'm sorry, Gaby. I didn't see you there." His extremely deep voice registers through my head and without even looking I know it's Jakob, a guy that used to go to high school with me.

"It's fine, Jake..." I mutter as I push pass him and start to jog over to the backyard gate. As I'm leaving my eyes dart towards Bella's large ones who are in shock. Then my eyes automatically land on Liam's, and I can't tell what he is think because he has that stupid wall in front of his face that is stopping me from reading his emotions.

"Gaby." Bella exclaims, rising slightly from her seat.

"I'm okay. I'll meet you back home." I tell her hastily as I back away towards the open gate. Then I feel it, it's a sensation of water rushing down my legs, even thought there really isn't water, it's like my legs are in a washing machine, tossing and turning, but it's all a feeling. I look down to see my right foot lightly turning a greenish blue. I have at least 45 seconds to get out of here before I'm seen with a tail.

"Is she okay?" I hear Liam, and from the corner of my eye I see him stand up from his seat. I curse under my breath and speed walk out. I feel my legs start to lose feeling and when I reach the sidewalk, I sprint down the street. "Gaby!" I hear Liam call. I don't look back.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I mutter and look towards my left to see the ocean too far from my reach. Liam calls for me again. Why is he doing this? I stop and look around quickly. Liam is still by the driveway of Rita's house and I'm already at the end of the street. "Damn you, Liam." I hiss as I'm about to transform. I grip the ends of my shirt and before I can fall, I throw myself into a bush. I land with a thud and the formation happens. My hand grips the shirt tightly and I open my eyes, white puffy clouds travel quickly across the pink hued sky and then I travel my eyes down to my tail. "Great." I mutter as I flip my light, bluish tail up and down carefully. I look down at myself to see all my clothes off and gone, besides my shirt. My dirty blonde curly hair has grown extensively down to my waist covering my chest. I fall back on my back and watch the clouds pass by. Looks like I'll be waiting here for a while. That was too close -

"Gaby!" Liam's voice is close. I jump up and I whip my head everywhere. He can't see me, not like this. I grab my shirt and start patting it down on my tail. Dry. Dry. Dry. It's not enough. I slip my shirt on over my bare self and bury my tail into the bushes.

"Ow..." I whisper as I feel a twig stab my tail. I lie down my back and hope that Liam just leaves, but then I wonder, exactly why did he follow me? A smile creeps on my face, he cares. He still cares. I hear footsteps running pass me, and I freeze on the spot to stay perfectly still. I listen carefully for his footsteps to return, until a shrill bark appears behind me. I turn my head stiffly to the side to see a small, light orange, puffy haired Pomeranian, it's barking at me through the metal-wired fence. Perfect.

"Shh..." I whisper and wave it away, but it barks louder.

"Gabs, is that you?" Liam calls, and my heart speeds up. If I don't show myself he's going to find me like this. Taking one last glance at my tail and praying that everything goes well, I pop out with my top half coming out of the bushes.

"Liam!" I exclaim cheerily, smiling widely. "What's up?"

I surprise him because he looks taken back, "Gaby," he says with his eyebrows furrowing together, "what are you doing?"

"Me? Oh you know, I just realized, I didn't feed Phillip." He's raises one eyebrow, "My pet turtle." I smack my lips, bobbing my head up and down.

"Really?" he says skeptical about my answer.

"Really." I snap and we stare at each other for a minute or so.

"Well, just came to hand you back your flip-flop." He hands me my sandal and when I reach for it I realize it's still wet from the water. I grimace and take it quickly in my hand.


"Well, I better get going." He starts as he backs away slowly. I force a smile and begin to rustle out my tail carefully, when Liam abruptly turns around. Holding my breath, I smile at him and he points at the bush and then me. My heart stops and I assume the worst. He knows! Oh my god, he knows. I raise my eyebrows tentatively staying calm. "Just so you know uhm- that's poison oak." He informs me and my eyes are literally about to pop out. Shit!

"Oh, oh! Y-yeah. Psh. Obviously. I know that. I'm just looking for a sample own little research." I exclaim and he looks skeptical once again. He nods his head slowly and shifts on his heel, but before he turns fully around I catch him smirking.

"Bye, Gaby...See you around..." he drags out waving his hand and I wave my own hand only realizing he's not even looking. I drop my hand limply and mutter out a string of profanities about how stupid I am and how aggravating Liam is. When he's out of sight, I flop back down and let out a long and loud groan. There's a growl beside me and I turn my head to the side to see the dog growling at me. It barks sharply and I glare it.

"Oh. Shut. Up." I groan and face the sky.

Happy Summer Loves!

Enjoy this chapter and this story for the summer!



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