one weird family

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Sup haven’t updated in a very long time. Miss me…no…ok *tear* anyway this is the story guys hope I wasn’t away for too long but I fell I am sorry senpai’s forgive anyways sorry I missed writing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[My point of view]

Christ harry could really piss me off sometimes and this time he‘ll pay for it, he just had to ruin this moment, out of all of the moments it had to be this one, damn him. At least the other were quite, if anything we would have been embarrassed. But when it came to harry we couldn’t help but feel the need to choke him. I jumped forward successfully tackling him on the ground and pinning him there, making him lay on the cold wet ground that had a mixture of mud on it since me and Altair were running on it. Anna seen what I had done and playfully tackled me on the ground as well which caused a whole mess of everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, to start mud wrestling in the still pouring rain. I wa surprised to see Connor tackling America, probably revenge, I really didn’t know but it was fun to watch how one simply act turn into one of pure fun chaos. Suddenly I was tackled while watching all this madness; sure enough, it was Altair. I laugh while trying to get out of his grip which managed to successfully managed to get out of, and as soon as I was out I  ran and Altair right behind me, I made a sharp turn toward the mansion and quickly scaling it as fast as I could manage and once up, I was running and jumping across it as fast as I could knowing very well Altair was still behind and right in back of me he was I was so scared since I knew he could easily tackle me whenever he wanted  but he chose not to cause me to become slightly paranoid. I looked down and seen all of our friends watching us with full interest wondering what would happen and little did they know what was about to happen. I jumped off the roof and landed on the ground unharmed but soaked in water since I was running so fast. I ran into the garden where I was still being followed by Altair who luckily wasn’t that close to me anymore but I was wrong because at that moment I was tackled once more. I would have fought back but I was too tired of running that I just let him hold me. By then the others had went inside, but we both stayed out for another minute. Once inside I decided to take a warm shower since I was freezing, after a hot shower I changed into more comfortable clothes and went down stairs were everyone was sitting on the couch and watching movies. The rest of the day we drank coffee and watched horror movies of course causing America to scream whenever something popped up on the screen but we all just laughed it off. Soon enough we all just fell asleep on the couch, warm not wanting move away from each other. We were like a huge weird family and we were all okay with that.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sup this is a really quick thing cause I just barely finished it know and yea I'm slightly tired so the rest of the stories will be up maybe later or tomorrow so goodnight my lovely readers, btw sorry for any typos in the story I was rushing. So yea sorry baii~!

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