pt 20 cockblocked!

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Hi guys so this is another chappie and like I said this is going to be an Anna and harry part of the story so yea deal with it (for now please, don’t kill me… ;-;) so yea lets go now to the story… I'm tired 12:50am. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Anna’s point of view]

We finally made it to the coffee shop and when we did it was crowded, like VERY crowded. The guys and I could barely fit in there. I talked to America and Canada and told them I was going outside since I felt claustrophobic. I walked out, and then realized that the rain was now pouring less than it was when we first arrived at our destination. I could see my breath it was so cold, but it didn’t bother me at all, if anything I somewhat liked it for a change. I suddenly felt two strong pairs of arms wrap around my waist and I felt the person’s breath on my ear. “You had me worried I didn’t realize you were gone till a couple seconds ago Anna, please don’t pull something like that again.” It was obviously harry, his accent was of course the first thing I recognized, hell if he hadn’t said anything but just stand there and not say a single word I probably would have kicked him in the crotch, but I blushed when he said those things, I just made me know that he cared about me more than he already did. I turned around to look at him and looked in to his eyes. He pulled me closer than we were before and pulled me into a passionate kiss, “would you two quit sucking faces we need to go!” said a very cocky Edward. We pulled away quickly realizing we had been caught. (Time skip) When we finally got to the house harry opened his door and gasped. “What?!” I said slightly panicked. “There’s a chicken here that won’t let me get out, it’s blocking the path. Plus the fact that America decided to park beside another car doesn’t help.” I looked over his shoulder and sure enough there was a freaking chicken there. “I guess you could say you’ve been…COCKBLOCKED!!” I said laughing very hard. After about 2 minutes the chicken finally moved and he was able to get out of where he was, even though I told him to just use the other door, but no he was too stubborn.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------end chapter I'm so tired it was 12: 50 am when I started and now it is 1:15 am 5/4/14 meh what is wrong with me. *sigh* the things I do for you guys anyway good night *passes out from exhaustion

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