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How’s it going everyone I’m back again with another chapter for all of you wonderful friends of mine this is a really late I’m so sorry!!!! Ve~ forgive me!!                                                                                                                      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                Halloween time Anna’s and my favorite holiday, we all dressed up and had fun doing so America was Capitan America (obvious right), Canada was a polar bear (I was out of idea’s XD), Anna was a punk fairy, and I was Jeff the killer. We were apparently going to a party that the axis had set up for all the countries.  Once there we all had fun a conversed with everyone. Soon after a period (lol tom) I felt like there were eyes one me, I turned around to see Sweden I smiled and he smiled back in my surprise. Me and him talked for a while and I got a few laughs out of him by talking about the AWESOME pewdiepie I told him if he knew that before I came here that he knew he was in an anime and if he ever thought there was another dimension other than theirs, he said yes,” Why am I your favorite character from here?” he asked me in a confused tone, “Well because I guess I have the same personality as you at times” “What do you mean?” “I mean that I can be intimidating to people I first meet and well at times I stay as solid as a rock but on the inside I’m a really big softie if you really know me.” I said with a smile, he smiled back did something VERY unexpected… he brofisted me, I brofisted him and got up cause Anna was calling me. I said bye and I went to find Anna.

[Anna’s point of view]

                I had called Trishka wondering where she is and cause America wanted to ask us something. I soon saw her and I told her to follow me. We soon found America outside of the house with Canada. “America you wanted to ask us something?” said Trishka in her normal derpy voice since she was a bit tired. “Can you us were you two are from please” he looked at me and Trishka and was patiently waiting for a response from the both of us. ”Mexico” I said, he looked at me and smiled then looked at Trish, ”California” she said loud and proud then she fell one the floor, passed out, we all went to her side and saw she had a cup in her hand that had something on the bottom of it fizz…we all looked at each other knowing that this was the work of a certain French-man. As we all stood up Trishka got up like a ninja that just fell down. “HA STUPID FRANCEY PANTS THINKING HE COULD DRUG ME! HAHAH-oh hey” she said turning around to see us staring at her with a ‘SERIOUSLY WTF?’ face on.

[My point of view]

                Once I saw America, Canada, and Anna I knew that they were probably thinking how I got up like that and how I could even wake up from getting drugged. “Well I’m out of here” I said walking away casually “If you need me I’ll be choking France to death bye!” I walked inside and saw France right away who was talking to Sweden, which surprised me but eh I didn’t care at the time. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder causing him to turn around and of course see me. He paled and tried to run but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and chocked him. I caused him to pass out by the time that Anna had caught me and pulled me away. I looked back to a semi-shocked Sweden and waved bye to him with the most adorable smile I could manage to do. After a little while I calmed down and we started to tell creepy and twisted stories in the opposite sex point of view. It was my turn and I told my story (check the video right over there ->). Once I was finished everyone was impressed that I could up with up it, after we were done telling stories we decided to continue the party and we ended  it with a song I have heard before and loved (check description thing =w=).

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          well im done sorry for the long wait I forgot I finished this … damn

Subscribe to cryotic and you can listen to his readings…… damn his voice.

the song is called meg and dia moster dotexe remix

Bye guys!!!

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