Снартег 25

Start from the beginning

"But what if he did." Edward spoke. I open my eyes and started blankly at him, almost sarcastically.

"Did everything I say go in one ear and out the other or...?" I questioned while still keeping on the blank face. I then remembered that Marcel was still in the room and he was sitting on the couch not talking with us, he seemed to be in his own little world.

"Are you calling us stupid?" Harry stated looking offended, as-well as Edward. Harry had his arms crossed over his chest while Edward had his mouth in a thin line.

"No," A smile started spreading over their frowning facial expressions. "you're both idiots." As soon as the smile came, it went away leaving them looking even more offended. I felt slightly amused but it soon went away as Harry spoke his next words.

"You'll stay away from Liam." He spoke and Edward nodded, agreeing with him. I snorted embarrassingly and crossed my arms while staring at them amusingly and raising a single eyebrow. They can't be serious. 

"You're serious?" I asked with a smirk playing at my lips. They both nodded and I burst out laughing. "It's funny when you think you can boss me around, hilarious actually." I deadpanned expressionless. They must be high is they think they're going to tell me what to do. 

"Yes we can." Harry and Edward said in unison, sounding a bit creepy. Anger flared in my stomach as I sneered at the two. They're defiantly high. 

I've hand enough of this for one day, I thought while making my way towards the door. "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm eighteen years old. I'm literally my own god damn person. So, no, you're not the boss of me." I declared, without turning around. Grabbing the handle of the door, I was about to turn it but instead I was quickly turned around and roughly shoved up against the door.

The doorknob was hurting my back since the person pinned me to the door and let me tell you, it hurt like a bitch. I squeezed my eyes shut as pain exploded threw my spinal cord. My head roughly collided with the door and I felt dizzy as a painful ache erupted at the back of my skull.

"Harry!" It sounded like Edward, yelled.

"Listen here, sweetheart. You're ours, meaning you don't hang out with whoever the fuck we tell you. You do as we tell you, understood?" Venom slipped into his tone making me cringe involuntarily. All the anger and the exhaustion quickly turned into fear as I nodded frantically with my eyes still shut tight. 

He had a tight hold on my shoulders as he was pushing the heel of his palm against my shoulders, forcing me into other wall even more. His mouth then descended down my neck to where the three marks were. 

I felt his moist tongue forcibly run over the middle mark and I felt even more pain as he started peppering the spot with harsh pecks. The pecks soon turned into kisses and then it turned into his nipping and sucking at my neck. I was a whimpering mess underneath him as I fruitlessly tried to shove him off of me. I sucked in a gulp of air as his teeth sank into my skin, but he didn't stop there as he started biting down even more.

"Stop, it h-hurts." I whimpered as I weakly tried pushing him off. Tears started forming behind my closed eyelids and then I felt them flowing down my red cheeks. I felt helpless and weak as my legs gave out. Now I was literally hanging off the wall and if it wasn't for Harrys strong hold, I would of probably be on the floor.

"That's enough." A cold voice spoke threw and suddenly Harrys weight was off of me and I was falling down on the floor. Sobs racked my body as I balled myself up on a fetal position, rapping my arms around my legs and upper body. I started crying even harder in my lap.

Of course, me being me, I had spill some of my own venom. "You're worst them Liam." My voice sounded hoarse from all the crying and I could feel the salty taste on my lips. I stared straight into his green eyes and then glared at him.

Deciding to pick up what was left of my pride, I stood up from my position and whipped away the remaining tears from my face. Fixing on my blank, emotionless face, I turned my back to the shocked triplets and opened their door, fast-walking out, making sure to slam their door, loudly.


I didn't really know how to end it so.......yeah

can we just take a moment and look at the hot pic of zayn on the sidebar

oh and the person who pulled harry away from zayn was marcel[if any of you were confused]

I've Been Marked By The Styles Triplets [boyxboy] ✔Where stories live. Discover now