Dinners and texts

Start from the beginning


"Go away Jack!"

"Ok bye."


"Hey, you ok man?"

"I'm just worried about someone." I sigh.

"Must be someone important since you haven't gone on your phone all week." Flinn said.

"Cut him a break Flinn." Hiccup said.

"Elsa." Rupunzle walks up to Elsa. Elsa said something and Rupunzle walks away.

"Rupunzle." I call her over.

"What do you want?" She sighs.

"What happened with Elsa?" I ask.

"Don't know, she won't let anyone talk to her, something about a dinner with someone."

"Oh." I said as she walks to class.

"Okay boys, I have a plan."

Elsa's P.O.V.
I go to my locker and put my things away when I see a note on the top. I take it in my hand and read it.

Meet me at the tree outside in the front, I want to talk.

"It doesn't say who it's from." I said as I put my things away, following the note outside to the tree.


"Ah!" I scream as the person revealed himself.

"Jack!" I say.

"I heard what your father said at the dinner, I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"For what, you did nothing wrong, but it's normal my father yells at me since if I step out of line he yells at me, I just-." I cut myself off to prevent myself from crying.

"You just what?"

"I never asked for this life Jack, to have my father always watching me demanding perfection, to grow up with everything I want. I want to be normal."

"You are normal Elsa, probably the most pretty girl I've ever seen."

"Did you say pretty or perfect?" I ask.

"You know what I said." Jack smiled.

"Hey, my parents and Anna are out this weekend, maybe you want to come over to work on our project?"

"I'd like that." Jack smiled.

"Perfect, I'll have my security guards know you're coming so they won't shoot you on sight just because that's my job." I joke.

"I'll remember that." Jack and I look at each other as I slowly lean in, Jack doing the same as I feel his warm breath against my lips. We were just about to kiss when we're interrupted.

"Elsa." My mom calls from the car and I pull back, Jacl and I completely flustered.

"I need to go."

"Yeah." Jack chuckles. I turn around and run to the car, getting in as our driver drives home. Suddenly I get a text and pull out my phone.

Anna: I saw that kiss 😏

Me: It was not a kiss!

Anna: Yeah and you aren't hanging out with the boy father told you to stay away from.

Me: Anna shut it.

Anna: So when do we meet him?

Me: You don't!

Anna: Tell me and I won't tell father you're seeing Jack.

Me: Keep it a secret and I won't tell the whole school about your little crush.

Anna: You wouldn't.

Me: Try me.


"Ah, where is it?" I turn my bedroom upside down looking for my notebook.

"Jack will be here any second and I lost the one thing we need to complete this project." I panicked.

"Miss. Winters your friend has arrived." One of the guards say.

"Send him up please." I said, continuing to search for my notebook. I look at my computer desk, my shelves, my nightstand and still nothing.

"Wow is your room always like this?" I jump at Jack standing in the door way. 

"No I just lost something." I push the hair out of my face.

"You mean this." Jack held my notebook and I grab it from him.

"Where did you find it?" I smile.

"It fell out of your bag last week."

"Well thank you, should we get started?"

"I'd love nothing more."

Frost and snowflakes. A jelsa love story. Where stories live. Discover now