Chapter 10

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We are shown a hospital bed and monitor. A girl was sitting in the bed with bandages wrapped all over her face. The doctors explained that her injuries were more severe then they thought and had to completely reconstruct her face. When the girl, who sorta resembled Penny looked at her new self in the mirror she said. 

"At least Calico won't be able to recognize me"

A suspicious looking nurse then came in with a syringe filled with deadly looking green toxins, turning out to be the evil Dr Calico in disguise. 

"Calico!" Penny gasped in fear. 

But just before Calico could lunge the syringe at Penny, it was blasted out of his hand by a laser vision attack and a familiar dog's bark was heard. 

Bolt suddenly burst through the hospital window and pinned Calico to the ground, growling fiercely at him. 

"Bolt!" Penny beamed with joy. 

Bolt then used his super bark to blast a hole through the building and he and Penny jumped out. But as they did, they were suddenly caught in a tractor beam and were lifted up into the air. 

A shocked Calico looked out to see Penny and Bolt pulled into a UFO and saw a few more zoom back off into the darkness of space with the duo. 

Calico took off his hospital mask, shaking his fist up at the sky and calmly exclaimed. 


A television screen then went black, revealing just to be the Ross family watching the newest TV episode of Bolt. 

Kali's family was now back home in New York City at the Ross's penthouse in the screening room, with the whole gang watching the new season for Bolt's show. The Penny and Bolt look-alikes were revealed to be just replacements, now that Bolt and Penny had quit the show. This new season for Bolt's show featured aliens, which was an original idea that came a fan of the show who lets just say, a little birdy told Bolt.

"That is totally unrealistic" Luke said in boredom about Bolt's newest episode.  

"Absolutely redonkulous" Kali said in agreement, sitting down on the couch with her siblings and the others. 

"You could say that again" Zuri added.  

"That new actress for Penny is totes out of style" Emma commented.

"I'm just glad that the doctors said you were okay for real" Jessie looked to Kali, after the Harpercops told Jessie and the Ross kids what had happened with the stage fire.  

Kali took off the bandages on her arms and legs to see the scars of her dark skin. Showing that the burns had fully healed and the adventure girl was now back to her happy normal self. 

"You're a real trooper, Sis" Brock and Ann told their sister, being extremely proud of her for what she had done during her adventure with Bolt.   

"So tell us, Kali" Ravi asked curiously. "What happened after Bolt left?" 

"Penny's agent was fired for illegal exploit attempt of the accident for publicity and child endangerment. Penny also adopted Mittens and Rhino before she and Bolt moved with her mother out of the city to a rural home. And now, Bolt can be a regular dog all the time now with Penny finally being able to spend all her time with him" Brock explained.  

"I was even able to give Bolt actual superpowers" Kali explained as she had used her crystal's magic to give Bolt superpowers just like on his show. 

She even had Bolt test out his super bark right before she left out in a empty open field, which completely destroyed the whole field and what remained, proving that the crystal's magic worked on Bolt and he now had superpowers for real.  

"Do you think you'll ever see Bolt and Penny again?" Jessie asked the Harpercop siblings. 

"Of course we'll see them again. Penny said we're her friends now" Ann explained, showing Jessie and the Ross kids a recent picture Penny took of them with Bolt, Mittens, and Rhino together with the kids to remember them by. Brock was even making peace signs with both of his hands in the picture. 

"I don't think... I know" Kali said to the gang. Knowing she'd definitely see Bolt and Penny again someday, then looked out the window up into the clear blue sky with puffy white clouds. 

Elsewhere, out in the countryside~ 

Penny was playing with Bolt outside, while they were enjoying their new happy and peaceful life together. 

Until they heard a loud whoosh and a strong gust of wind blew in their faces. 

Penny and Bolt looked up to see a small looking red pod with wings suddenly zoom past them in the air and crash-landed not far from them in the back field. 

"Aliens?..." Bolt thought to himself and couldn't believe it. "No way!" 

"Hello?..." Penny slowly and cautiously approached the small looking red pod while Bolt growled at the intruder, in a defensive stance ready to protect Penny. 

A thirteen-year-old boy with slicked up black hair and wearing a lighting-bolt T-shirt suddenly popped out and emerged from the pod, causing Penny and Bolt to slightly yelp and jump back in alarm. 

"Are you Penny Forrester?" the mysterious visitor asked. 

"Uh... Yes..." Penny slowly answered awkwardly. Confused that this mysterious stranger had just crash-landed in her backyard, in broad daylight. Thankfully, no one else saw him but Penny and Bolt.  

"Special agent Wilbur Robinson of the TCTF" the black haired boy introduced himself to the former teen actress. 

"What?" Penny was still confused by this mysterious boy, as well as Bolt. 

Wilbur sighed before explaining to Penny. "I've traveled here from the future in my time machine, and I need your help. The fate of the world depends on it" 

"Time machine? Future? Fate of the world?!" Penny was completely shocked and confused. "What's going on?!" 

"That is an excellent question" Wilbur started with a smile across his face. "I can't tell you. But if I could, it's top secret"

"Right now, just come with me. I'll explain everything on the way. And bring your dog too" Wilbur pointed to Bolt, which made the little white dog tilt his head curiously at Wilbur.  

Penny slowly started to approach Wilbur, but hesitated. Should she trust this person? Penny and Bolt soon hopped into the time machine while Wilbur took to the controls and flew off with them into the sky. 

"Whoa!" Penny and Bolt were both astounded, looking out the window to see that they were flying.

"That's just the beginning. But first-" Wilbur informed Penny, before pressing some buttons on a keypad and a bubble started to form around the time machine. 

"We're going to need some more help" Wilbur said, before the gang disappeared with the time machine into the sky, off to an unknown place. 

Or should we say... time.  


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