Chapter 3

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Back in New York City, mid-morning. Kali sighed in depress, walking through downtown NYC, on her way to see her boyfriend Mikey since she had nothing better to do. Since missing her chance to go to Hollywood and meet her favorite star which left her alone back in the city while the rest of her family all went.  

The 13-year-old continued walking down the street when she soon lifted her head up, hearing a communication on the other side of the street and a familiar dog's barks. 

"Could it be?" Kali eyes widened. She ran up ahead, pushing her way through a crowd of people, when she couldn't believe her eyes. 

There, right in front of her she saw the real, live, actual TV star dog, Bolt!

But what was Bolt doing here in New York City anyway? Kali thought to herself and was shocked. Why wasn't he in Hollywood? 

The little white dog looked lost and scared, running past people down the street frantically while looking for his girl. 

"Penny!" Bolt barked while looking at the humans he passed by, getting worried. "PENNY!" 

Kali saw a construction site up ahead and watched Bolt attempt to jump over it like he would in the show, but instead he fell right in it causing Kali to cringe for the dog's pain. Kali watched Bolt race off again after a portable toilet on a moving truck, which he though was the capsule containing Penny. Kali decided to follow him. 

Kali gasped with wide eyes once she saw Bolt get in front of the truck and was prepared to headbutt and knock the vehicle over like he would in the show. 

"What is he thinking!?" Kali thought, with wide eyes in panic that Bolt was gonna get himself killed.   

"It ends here!" Bolt glared, standing his ground.  

Luckily, the man saw Bolt and put on his breaks, making the truck swerve and knock over the portable toilet. Bolt looked inside, thinking Penny was in there but she wasn't. Bolt then assumed they moved her and ran off again to continue looking. 

Kali continued chasing after Bolt, trying to keep up until she passed by the Central Perk Cafe and bumped into her parents' old friends who had just walked out. 

"Whoa there, kid!" Chandler said when Kali bumped into him, until he and the others recognized her. 

"Hey, Kali" the six Friends smiled and greeted Jane's daughter.  

"Oh. Hey, guys" Kali smiled back and waved to them, coming to a sudden stop. 

"What are you doing out here?" Rachael asked. 

"Oh, just... Enjoying a walk..." Kali replied quickly, looking over trying to keep an eye on Bolt. 

"How's your mom?" Monica then asked her friend's daughter. 

"Oh, she's good" Kali said, in a hurried voice.  

"Do you think maybe she could come down some time and hang out with us?" Ross asked, since Jane was their friend way back when she and Walter were still dating.  

"Yeah, sure" Kali answered with a head shake, knowing she had to get going now when Bolt went around the corner and she lost sight of him. 

"Hey, I know how much you love music" Phoebe then said to Kali. "I've been working on a new song, and I really need an opinion on it. You wanna hear it?" the blonde haired woman asked, getting her guitar out. 

"Uh, no thanks, Pheebs. I gotta run!" Kali politely declined and quickly sped off. 

"Okay, bye" the six friends waved to her. 

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