"Well there are things in life outside YouTube ." I say blankly.

"I guess so." A honk sounds and I grab my notebook and put it in my bag, slinging it over my shoulder as I run to my limo while I see Anna coming out of the school. I get in the back seat and put my bookbag aside, closing the door behind me as Anna got in the front as we drive off.

"So how was school?" My mom asked.

"Awsome." Anna smiled cheerfully. She was always so cheerful.

"Elsa?" My mom asked, noticing I never responded.

"Fine." I sigh, not wanting to talk to anyone right now. I wasn't in the mood and just wanted to be alone.

"Are you sure because you seem troubled?" She pushed on. I closed my eyes, trying to settle my nerves.

"It's nothing, Mother." I put on a fake smile.

"Nothing, or Jack Frost?" My mother smirks. My mother knew about Jack Frost and she knew about how I felt about him but always thought we could be friends or at least get along. I tried to explain there was nothing there but she wouldn't hear it.

"He's crazy, Mother. I don't see why I can't get at least one class without him." I said, putting my pencil down and looking over at her.

"You'll learn to like him, Elsa." My mother explained. I sigh and look out the window, my head in my hand.

"Like him my ass." I muttered to myself. 

"Language, daughter." She scolded. I roll my eyes as we pull into the driveway. Anna rushed out and I get out as well, going inside as I walk upstairs into my room. Falling on my bed, I grab my computer and go online to see I got a message. I lean back against the soft pillows and open it.

Unknown: Like the song I sent you today?

Oh he was not serious. Not only do I need to suffer him at school but he found out how to get on my computer?


Jack: Yes?

Me: How do you have my email?

Jack: Anna.

Me: I'll be right back.

I close my computer and throw it aside, calming myself before screaming for my sister.

"Anna!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Yeah?" She called back, her cheerful self like normal.

"You gave Jack my email!" I scream.

"Whoops." I hear her chuckle and I scream in my pillow. I get a notification on my computer and lift my head from my pillow to see it was from Jack. I go in the email and type my message.

Me: Sorry. My sister thinks we're something. Anyways please don't message me again.

I sent the message and delete Jack's messages when my dad walked in my room. My dad is the world's richest man because he owns the biggest oil company in the world.

"Hey sweetie." He smiled.

"Hey dad." I put on a fake smile, already frustrated enough. But I didn't need him dealing with this as well.

"Your mother told me about Jack. So why don't you like him?" Well I guess keeping that secret is out.

"He's not my type. I don't think that I like boys who are obsessed with their ego." I scoff.

"Well you'll be surprised how much those boys can please girls."

"No offense, Father but Jack is just too obsessed with his channel." I say plainly.

"Elsa don't be like that." My dad said. He got a call and left my room, answering the call. My father isn't that present because of his company so it's normally my mom, sister and I. I charge my phone and walk downstairs to my chief cooking something. It looked like a banquet.

"What's going on, Logan?" I smile. Whenever I didn't have something to do, I would always talk with Logan since he's been my best friend since I was little.

"Making dinner." He replied.

"Why the rush, it feels like we're having royalty over?" I joked but I guess it wasn't from the look Logan had.

"Your mother didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion.

"Well as you know your father is the owner of the biggest company in the world. Luckily his friend is also in one of the biggest companies in the world so he's inviting them over."

"Who's that?" I asked.

"You might know his son, Jack Frost."

Frost and snowflakes. A jelsa love story. Where stories live. Discover now