10 - Secret meet-ups & rumors

Start from the beginning

''How did this even happen, no one even noticed us!?'' I said, trying to remember anything that could indicate someone saw us at the party but except for the guys, no one else seemed to have seen us.

''The guys did'' he said, probably thinking about the same thing as me. ''You don't think any of them said anything, do you? I mean Lucy said she saw us get in the room'' I said, confused.

''Lucy wasn't even in the party when we ran off, I saw her leave before I ran into you'' he said, a frown on his face, probably from trying to put the pieces together.

''There's no way one of the guys did it, they have no reason to. I mean I don't think they'd want people to know we were together'' I said, not wanting to think that one of our friends could've possibly started the rumor.

''Yeah. They wouldn't'' he said, looking away, anger suddenly evident in his voice and face, his jaw ticking, his eyes turning darker. ''I should let you get to class, you're going to be late'' he quickly said, turning to leave.

Quickly thinking about how we still needed to talk about what had happened and what I had told him at the library, I suddenly felt bad. I blamed him for things he didn't seem to be able to control or change but then again I didn't know why.

''Hey, Aiden!'' I yelled, catching his attention when he was about to open his car's door. ''Yeah'' he said, the coldness in his voice coming back. ''Can we talk? I feel horrible about what I-''

''11pm at the park near our street. Be there, we'll talk then'' he said getting in his car and leaving. I sighed putting my hands on my head that was now hurting like hell, tired of everything that was happening in such a small period of time.

I was- ''What's up!''

''TAKE MY MONEY BUT LEAVE ALONE'' I screamed dropping my bag and closing my eyes, only to realize it was Noah who had spoken, not a perv/thief. ''You idiot! You almost killed me!" I said, putting a hand over my chest and grabbing my backpack that was now on the floor.

''Yeah, I got it when you almost had a stroke'' he said, chuckling. ''Anyway, we have History class together but you my friend, are very lucky'' he told me, a proud smile on his face as we walked towards our class from the second entrance of the school, trying to avoid as much people as possible.

''And why is that?" I replied ''That, my friend is because you'll get a dose of moi'' he said pointing at himself and giving me a charming smile that showed his dimples. Noah was a good looking guy with a fanbase almost as big as Aiden's -minus the rumor starters- therefore my attempts to avoid complications and stares went to a Nutella-less fridge aka hell.

''Well, then I guess I'm the luckiest girl alive'' I said and laughed. We reached the classroom and walked in, instantly earning very polite stares and whispers, especially from girls.

''Apparently Aiden wasn't enough, she had to go for his friend too''

''Ugh, what do they see in her?''

''She's stealing all the good ones!"

''Her ass is like way too big''

''Hanging out with us is very fun isn't it?" Noah whispered to me when we reached our seats. ''Very'' I responded, looking down, trying not to let the stares affect me and started thinking about what would follow tonight.

'11pm at the park near our street. Be there, we'll talk then' his words boomed in my ears. I felt a feeling of uneasiness take over me thinking about the time he had chosen. What excuse could I use to leave the house then?

Oh my leftover pizza mum is out of town! *Queue victory dance*

After my little happy moment of realization, my smile dropped and became a frown instead. But why did he pick an hour that late and a place that deserted? You'd think we were done with the 'they can't know we're hanging out' phase considering more than five hundred people not only thought we were hanging out but also thought we were having *in Bill Clinton's voice* sexual relations, therefore I don't see the point in us hiding.

''So is he ashamed of me?'' I whispered under my breath without realizing I was, making Noah look at me and raise his eyebrows. ''What's that?'' he asked. ''Huh? Oh, nothing'' I replied and he nodded, though if I judge by the look he gave me he wasn't convinced.

Time passed awfully slow, with me thinking about all the things I had to talk about with Aiden on our 'secret meeting' at the park. Was I still bad at him? Definitely. I was his best friend for his entire life, for food's sake and what does he do when he comes back? Find time to 'talk' to every single breathing female in our town except for me.

As far as the 'trying to protect me' part goes- I honestly had no idea what to think on the matter. Everyone and everything is showing me that he is in fact trying to protect me from something, no one being willing enough to tell me what it was.

Except maybe for Bailey.

Playing with my pen and biting my lip, completely zoned out and not paying attention to anything the teacher was saying, my mind drifted off to that morning. What the hell was that? She said she wanted me to have the files but couldn't give them to me herself, but did that mean that she wanted me to take them myself?

Should I take them myself?

The bell rang, causing a frenzy to begin in the classroom where everyone was fighting each other on who would reach the door first- typical History class for you. Or any class, to be honest.

''So are you in?'' Noah told me, catching me off guard and making me flinch slightly. ''Huh?'' I replied, my eyebrows coming together. ''You didn't hear a thing I said, did you?'' he replied, chuckling. ''Maybe I did, maybe I didn't'' I said, making a face, causing him to shake his head and laugh.

''As I was saying like you didn't hear, a bunch of my friends are going out tonight, at a place downtown. Are you in?" he said as we walked towards the cafeteria.

''So like, a party?" I asked, taking out my phone. ''Yeah, you could say that'' he replied, high fiving one of the jocks that passed by us. And that was all I had to know. ''You know, I don't think a party would be a good idea after what happened on the last one I went to'' I said, pushing my lips together and shaking my head. I couldn't go anyway, since I had to meet Aiden but that was an extra reason why I didn't want to go.

With my luck, I could go to a party and bump into my lost twin with who I got separated at birth and now they decided to come back after seventeen years with the excuse that they had to protect me from some unknown evil they refuse to talk to me about.

Sounds familiar?

Okay but like I had pizza last night, be jealous 

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