Chapter 1

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A thin sliver of light shined through my curtains, illuminating the small envelope that I held tightly in my hands.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"Charlotte! What did they say?!"

My mom shouted from downstairs, making me feel even more shaken up.

"I'm not sure I haven't opened it yet!"

"Well get on with it will ya'?"

I sigh and close my eyes, if I get in then that's great! If I don't, maybe I'll try going to another hero school? No, then I'll try again next year and just train extra hard until then, right? With that last thought in my mind, I tear open the envelope open, causing a light blue hologram to illuminate my room.

"Are we ready? It's filming!? All right! Hello, dearest Charlotte Wood! It is I, All Might!"

I stare blankly at the incredibly buff guy that's basically taking up all of the space in my small room. Wait, it's All Might! All Might is actually delivering my message! I mean of course, he's delivering everyone else's messages too but oh my goodness!

"Anyways, it's my pleasure to tell you that you scored 55 points and 8 rescue points landing you in the top ten! School begins in two weeks, be sure to pick up your uniform and turn in your hero suit form! We look forward to seeing you!"

With that, the hologram cut out, leaving me back in my dimly lit room. Wow. I shoot out of my chair, barreling down the stairs and into the living room where my mom is.



I twirl in front of my full-length mirror. I mean, the uniform looks okay on me. I lift my arms, feeling the blazer tug slightly on them. The tie seems to choke me, unbuttoning the top button under the tie won't hurt anything right? I never thought I'd be wearing uniforms like these; for as long as I could remember, it was always khakis and polos in America.

I shrugged and grabbed my light pink backpack and made my way downstairs. My coffee maker had already finished brewing, leaving a steaming hot cup of coffee all for me to enjoy. I wonder what'll happen today, would it be the boring code of conduct stuff? Who's my teacher? Will All Might be there? I wonder if I'll make any friends. One thing that I know for sure is that there's a huge orientation and guidance counselor conferences.




I click my watch alarm off, signaling that it's time to make my way to my new school. My to-go cup warms the palm of my hand on this slightly cool morning. The train station wasn't a long walk from my house, cars honked loudly in the busy city morning commute. I watched a 20-year-old woman rush out of an apartment complex, makeup smudged and dress barely holding on. A walk of shame on a Monday? Oof.

The sky slowly began to change colors as the sun poked its head above Japan. Maybe I'd go to Maya's coffee shop after school, it's by there right? I haven't visited in forever, I'd love to go there after school every day to wind down and maybe study. I step onto the gray train and quickly make my way to an available seat to avoid being sandwiched between two strangers. I watched the city fly by, quietly sipping my coffee. Ok, review Japanese etiquette, bow then the last name and the first name. Call people by their last names unless told otherwise.

Of course, I did all of these things naturally, but the nervousness biting at my gut made me feel as though I forgot everything about Japan. The scores from the test, top ten huh? I know I'm not the strongest, not even close but I have a shot at getting stronger, right? This is a professional school so they'll be able to teach me more.

Good thing the school isn't too far away, I got off the train and made my short walk to UA. With every step I took, my nerves seemed to bristle. The second I walked through the large double doors, I was accosted with the scent of floor cleaner and a new car. My mouth hung agape as I walked slowly through the wide hallways. Older students rushed by, not taking a sparing look my way. Thank goodness, all of that first-year judgment seemed to just be a myth, so far at least.

I pause in front of a large map mounted on the wall behind a clear glass. Class 1-A, 1-A, ah! I trace my hand over the route I'll take and begin to walk towards the classroom. A green haired boy walks briskly beside me with his head hung low, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. He looked slightly younger than I was and seemed to be going in the same direction.

"E-Excuse me?"

His head snapped up to look at me, a light pink blush dusted his cheeks.


This boy is super loud, jeez.

"Are you in class 1-A? For the Hero course, I mean."

He nods his head quickly, his grip on his backpack straps seemed to tighten. Nervousness was evident on his face and I realize he's just as nervous as I am.

"Oh, can we walk together?"

"Yeah of course!"

I laugh at his outburst and follow him to the class. The whole way neither of us said one word to each other. I'd like to say it was comfortable silence, but it's not one bit. Is he shaking? We both walk into the classroom, most of the seats were taken and my hopes of sitting next to this weird boy were crushed. He immediately went to the last column by the window and I grabbed my seat next to a boy that was half covered in ice.

He glanced in my direction, making direct eye contact with me. Oh no, look away stop being awkward!

"H-Hi I'm Charlie."

"Todoroki Shoto."

Well, that was pleasant I guess. Soon a man with long brown hair entered the room. It's Eraserhead!! He introduced himself to the class, some whispered asking who he was while some sat in their seats seemingly filled with excitement.

"Everyone is to stand up, introduce themselves and say their quirk."


One after the other people stood up and introduced themselves. I watched everyone, trying to memorize their names and take a mental note of their quirk in case we ever had to battle. As I glanced at everyone, trying to put their names to their faces until I realize they were all looking at me.

"Oh right!"

I stood up quickly, knocking my chair over in the process. Todoroki quickly grabbed it and set it back in its rightful place. Jeez way to make a fool out of yourself.

"My name is um Wood Charlotte, please call me Charlie."

I bowed quickly and smiled awkwardly at the rest of the class.

"Your quirk?"

"O-Oh right. I can go between Dimensions."

Real smooth Charlie, real smooth.

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