Chapter 7: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 2

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" What is it now?" Sasuke asked shielding his face from the smothering wind. I jumped into a tree and hid in the leaves as we all hid somewhere. I concealed my chakra so I wouldn't be found.

I jumped over to where Sasuke was. He held a kunai out at Sakura and me. 

" Stay there. First answer the question, when does a ninja strike?" He said.

" A ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike." Sakura and I said at the same time.

" Good." He said lowering his kunai.

" Hey!" Naruto yelled running up to us, " What's up? You guys okay?"

" Don't take another step!" I said just as Sakura said.

" Don't come any closer. What's the password?"

" Ohh sure no problem," He smiled, " Okay a ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike." Sasuke and I smirked knowing it wasn't Naruto cause Naruto wouldn't be able to memorize it. Sakura let out a sigh of relief. Sasuke and I threw our kunai at Naruto. Naruto fell over, " What was that for?" 

" Hey he just said the password word for word." Sakura said.

" Exactly, do you really think Naruto of all people could memorize that password?" I questioned.

" We'd have better chance teaching it to a hamster." Sasuke pointed out.

" Oh right, you got a point."

" Besides you saw the way this guy moved when he dodged our attack that was definitely not a Naruto move. All right come on out whoever you are. Party's over!" Sasuke said and then fake Naruto grinned evily. A tongue came out and licked his lips causing a chill up my spine. It's the grass ninja.

" Aren't we the clever ones." A feminine voice said. A big puff of smoke surrounded her, " Tell me if your teammate is really that dimwitted, why would you come up with a password he'd never be able to remember?" The grass ninja asked.

" You see it wasn't meant for Naruto so much as for anybody who might happen to be near by trying to eavesdrop on us. It was meant as a trap and you stumbled right into it." Sasuke said and I smirked.

" I'm impressed. You certainly haven't dropped your guard have you? This promises to be very entertaining." She said swiping her tongue out. Something isn't right about her. I'm probably going to have to go all out.

Third person's P.O.V.

Naruto was against a tree upside down. He let out a groan.

" Okay upsie daisy." He said turning over away from the tree, " Huh? Hey, where did Sasuke, Sakura, and Ayame go? I wonder if they-" He was cut off by a sound and he looked up and seen a snake, Oh my gosh, that's-that's-that's-" He stuttered standing up. That's one big snake! He thought to himself mouth dropped. The snake lunged at him leaving him barely enough time to get out of the way. He slid on the gravel on his feet and looked back. The tail wrapped itself around Naruto tightly, " I can't move." He struggled against it.

The snake swallowed Naruto and Naruto screamed as he went down the snake's slimy throat. The snake then slithered away.

Ayame's P.O.V.

The grass ninja pulled out an earth scroll and Sakura's eyes widened.

" Ahh, you'd love to get your hands on our earth scroll, wouldn't you?" She asked raising the scroll up, " It would go so nicely with your heaven scroll." Her tongue came out of her mouth and wrapped around the earth scroll. She pushed it down her tongue pulling as the scroll went further into her mouth. I think I'm gonna puke. She swallowed the scroll and wiped her mouth, " Well, when this is all over," She started, licking her lips, " one of us will have both scrolls," Our eyes widened as she touched her eyeball with her finger. This ninja keeps getting creepier and creepier, " and the other will be dead." Our eyes widened as we were put under a genjutsu. I closed my eyes and circled my chakra around me. 

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