T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Harry's eyes pierced straight through Nora as they sat backstage after the show that night. She wasn't making eye contact, but he wanted her to feel his stare on her. He wanted her to know she got under his skin with her little remarks about possibly not coming back for the second leg of tour. He knew she knew he was focused on her, because she kept giving him timid looks from across the room. He could have easily gone up to her and talked to her, she was his girlfriend after all, but he wanted to show her what she did to him. He wanted her to know he wasn't comfortable with her leaving. It wasn't okay. He knew she was a big girl and could make her own decisions. It was just that he wanted her to make the right one.


"Hey," Harry said, catching Nora's arm as she headed toward the hotel with her overnight bag in tow.

"Hey," she said, her eyes wide, yet amiable.

"Can I... can I come to your room tonight?" He asked her in a low voice. She stood staring at him for a moment, her eyes flicking over his before she gave him the slightest of head nods.

"Alright," he said, giving her a not-too-excited-even-though-he-really-was kind of smile.

She turned back toward the hotel and he grabbed onto her arm again, spinning her quickly into his arms, leaving a hardened kiss on her lips. When they broke apart, her smile spoke volumes and he smiled back with just as much enthusiasm.

"See you in a little bit, Nora," he told her.

"Yeah. See you," she said, smiling bashfully, her cheeks flushing pink as she turned on her heels again and headed toward the hotel.

Harry turned on his heels as well, heading back toward the bus to get his things. If she wanted nice Harry, he could be nice Harry. How hard could it be?


"I'm sleeping in Nora's room tonight," Harry told Liam once they were in their hotel room together that night. Liam's eyes narrowed at him.

"You better be treating her right, Harry. Nora's a good girl. She's special," Liam told him.

"What the fuck? Of course I know that. She's my girlfriend," Harry scoffed angrily at him.

"I've seen the way you treat your girlfriends, Harry. Be real," Liam said, pursing his lips, his eyes still narrowed.

"It's different with Nora," Harry growled at him.

"Caroline was saying you and Nora are already having problems," Liam said, butting his nose in where it shouldn't be.

"Of course she did. We're fine. I'm going to go sleep in her room for Christ's sake," Harry scoffed, getting more and more heated with every word Liam spoke.

"What's the problem?" Liam asked.

"It's none of your business. And there is no problem," Harry scoffed again, narrowing his eyes back at him.

"Mm-hmm. Caroline was really concerned," he pressed on. Harry rolled his eyes at his persistence.

"Nora's worried about her job. It has nothing to do with me. Thanks for your confidence in me by the way," Harry scowled at his band mate.

"Like I said, I've seen you in a relationship, Harry," he said, digging through his suitcase.

"On that note – I'm out," Harry said, grabbing the card key for their room and shoving it in his back pocket as he exited, leaving Liam in him wake.


There was a knock on Nora's hotel room door about a half hour after her conversation with Harry and her smile beamed involuntary on her face knowing it was him. She still wasn't sure why Harry made her feel that way because he really hadn't earned her feelings. Frankly, before she made a decision about whether or not she would be returning for the second leg of tour, he needed to prove himself to her – prove himself worthy of being her fake boyfriend, inside and outside of their little façade.

The Assistant || H.S. [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ