T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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"Honey, is everything alright?" Caroline Watson, the boys' stylist, asked Nora as she set up in the dressing room.

"Hmm? Yeah. I'm fine," Nora told her with a small smile, not straying her eyes away from her work for too long.

"I mean with you and Harry. Are you two alright?" She asked, concern in her tone.

"Oh," Nora said, looking up at her, her mouth rounded perfectly from the interjection.

"Oh?" She asked, her eyebrows heightening in question.

"I mean, its fine. I don't know," Nora said, waving her hand through the air as she continued to set up the table for making protein shakes and smoothies.

"Louis said you two had a fight," she brought up.

"Yeah, he said that, didn't he?" Nora asked through a clenched jaw, wishing Louis would just shut up about it already and quit drawing everyone's attention to her and Harry.

Nora sighed and dropped her shoulders. She really liked Caroline, but the last thing she needed was to have this conversation with someone who didn't really know what was going on because she had no idea how to even explain her relationship with Harry, let alone a stupid fight they were having – a fight that they seem to always have, because that was just life with Harry.

"What's really going on? Are you two not getting along?" Caroline asked, looking concerned. Ding, ding, ding.

"I don't know. I feel... I feel like maybe we shouldn't be together," Nora told her quietly, squeezing her eyes shut tightly, knowing Caroline couldn't see her expression.

"And why do you feel like that?" She asked, pressing her further. Nora turned to face her, feeling almost queasy to be on such a topic.

"I don't know. I just feel like... like we shouldn't have gotten together in the first place. I know we shouldn't have. Believe me, I know that. It was irresponsible and I just think it's better if—" Nora began rambling without a kill-switch until Caroline interrupted her.

"Nora, that is just crazy," she said, sounding a bit exasperated. Nora had to stop and gape at her, because she knew how she was feeling wasn't crazy.

"You and Harry are old enough to make your own decisions. I've seen the way he looks at you. You bring out so much good in him. It's so wonderful to see," she said, beaming at Nora, making her stomach turn.

How did she possibly gather that from any of the public displays of their sham of a relationship? It didn't make any sense.

"I don't know what you're fighting about, but if you and Harry are happy, then what does it matter?" She asked.

"It's not—I mean, it's not... I don't know," Nora said quietly, looking down at the ground instead of at Lou.

"Seriously, whatever it is you're fighting about, it isn't worth it. Believe me, I know," Caroline said, smiling at her.

"Yeah," Nora nodded, but she was still so confused.


"Harry Edward Styles," he heard Caroline's stern voice as he sat in the dressing room playing Call of Duty with Jon.

"What?" He asked furrowing his brow, but not taking his eyes off the screen as he shot up a sniper from an opposite rooftop.

"You need to get up from that couch and go find your girlfriend," she said firmly.

"What?" He asked again, even more confused.

"Nora. You need to go talk to her," she said impatiently and he swore he could hear her tapping her foot.

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