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"Nora... Nor-rahhh."

Nora woke-up to the sound of her name being called in her sleep. Except it wasn't in her sleep. And it wasn't anyone she expected it to be.

"Louis?" She asked as she sat up in the bed, looking at the silhouetted boy next to her.

"C'mon, Nora. We've got big plans," she heard Liam say and she turned to see him standing on the other side of her bed with a flashlight illuminating the ground.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, feeling so incredibly confused. Was it just a weird dream? Or was it an even weirder reality?

A split second later, Liam turned the bedside light on, causing Nora to shield her eyes away.

"Jesus," she hissed.

"Sorry," Liam said sheepishly.

Nora looked up and noticed Harry standing on the other side of the room, which startled her. What the hell was going on?

"Seriously. What is going on?" Nora asked, looking around at three-fifths of the members of the band.

"We're going to cause a little mischief," Liam said as he turned off the flashlight that was in his hand.

"C'mon. Get up," Louis said, pulling her blanket off her body, revealing she was only wearing a tank top and panties.

"Louis!" Nora gasped, trying to grab for the blanket, but it was out of her reach.

"Oi, sorry, love," Louis said, standing up, quickly turning away from her. Liam did the same, but Nora noticed Harry didn't avert his gaze or even try to. In fact, he stood there smirking at her like a jackass.

"Okay, someone explain to me what you three are doing in my hotel room," Nora said as she got out of the bed and crossed the room to her suitcase, pulling on a pair of sweatpants.

"Harry got your key from the front desk," Liam chimed in, finally looking back at her. Nora's head snapped up to Harry again, sending him a glare. She got a devious smirk in response, which wasn't surprising.

"We're literally right next door to the venue," Louis added, causing Nora to look at him oddly.

"Yeah, so?" She said, feeling incredibly confused.

"We're going to sneak in," Louis continued and Nora let out a laugh.

"Oh, you're serious?" Nora asked him, dropping her smile.

"Hell yeah, we're serious. It's not the first time we've done something like this," Louis told her.

"And you've never gotten caught?" She asked, looking between Louis and Liam.

"Oh, we have," Liam said with a playful smirk.

"We've gotten chased by security before. It was mad," Louis laughed, looking over at Liam who was grinning from ear-to-ear.

"And you didn't get in trouble?" Nora questioned.

"If we get arrested, Zayn said he'll bail us out," Louis told her.

"Zayn's not coming?" Nora asked.

"He's already sleeping. He didn't want to get up," Liam told her.

"What about Niall?" She asked.

"He's going to get the other lads," Louis explained.

"So, this is something you guys do all the time?" She asked, feeling uneasy about the whole situation.

The Assistant || H.S. [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora