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"Nora, are you okay?" Liam asked her as she sat on the couch, watching all the scenery as it whizzed by at seventy miles an hour out the side window of the tour bus.

"Hmm, what?" She asked, snapping out of her daze, finding Liam's concerned face.

"Are you okay? You look... I don't know... distraught," Liam pointed out, sitting down next to her on the couch.

Truth was, she was feeling a little distraught. She'd been thinking about Grant a lot. The fact that she blew off their four year relationship so easily didn't sit right with her. She hadn't talked to him in almost two weeks and she was starting to really have second thoughts about the whole break up. She missed him almost too much to bear.

"I don't know," she shrugged, looking back out the window.

"Nora, we're friends, aren't we?" Liam asked. She turned to look over at him and nodded her head lightly.

"You can tell me," he coaxed.

She looked behind him, making sure Harry was in the back lounge and not out there listening to their conversation. The last thing she needed was him to find out her relationship with Grant was now non-existent.

"Right before tour, my boyfriend and I broke up," Nora told him quietly, letting her eyes drop down to her hands.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Nora," Liam said reaching out to lightly rub her arm.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry pop his head up from the floor by the couch Louis was sleeping on. What the hell was he doing on the floor? And why the hell was he eavesdropping? She glared at him and he sent her a wicked grin in response before laying back down on the floor.

"I just... I just want to be alone and it's so hard because we're stuck on this bus," she told Liam.

"I'm sorry. But I'm here if you need anyone to talk to," he told her.

"Thanks, Liam," she said, sending him a small smile.

Liam gave her one last sympathetic smile before he got up from the couch, giving her space. She watched as he made his way back toward the lounge, leaving her and Harry alone up front – minus Louis who was dead asleep with his head phones on. She glanced back out the window again, hoping and praying that Harry would just leave her alone. But she should have known it was next to impossible to escape him.

Harry quickly got up and sat down on the couch across from hers, staring straight over at her.

"What?" She snapped at him.

"Why'd you leave him?" He asked, being way too forward – as if they were friends or something.

"It's none of your business," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

There was no way in hell she was going to tell him that a fight about him was the triggering factor in her and Grant's break up. She would never give him the satisfaction.

"Come on, you can tell me. We're all friends here," he smirked deviously at her, using Liam's words.

"You're the last person on this bus I would call a friend," she shot at him.

"Oh, that hurts, Nora. After all we've been through," he said, feigning physical pain as he playfully gripped at his chest.

"Friends don't black mail their friends," she said, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Friends don't rat out their friends," he retorted, narrowing his eyes just the same.

"I never claimed to be your friend," she shot back at him.

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