Chapter 8: The Gates of Avalon II

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"I thought I would find you here." His voice was soft as he muttered. Surprise flitted between her eyes as he lowered himself to sit on the stone cold floor beside her. Her fingertips pulled at the book cover as the silence engulfed them. After a moment, he pulled out a letter: "This arrived for you. It bears your father's seal."

Arwyn studied the browned envelope in his gloved hands. Nodding slightly she gingerly took it, eyes trailing over familiar handwriting. Swallowing harshly, she took a deep breath before tearing the seal of her house from the parchment:

My dearest daughter,

I wish there were words that I could write that would banish the pain that you are feeling today. I wish that I could tell you that your mother's last moments were not your fault and that you would believe me. She would be so proud of you, Arwyn. Of your strength and courage. Of your compassion and the tenacity in which you fight for equality and justice. You grow more like her each day.

Please cry no more. Your mother would not want you to spill your tears for the moments you missed, instead she would want you to laugh for the moments you had. The love and laughter that remains in your heart. Do not distance yourself from that love, youngling. Not today. It is perfectly fine to show weakness, it is what makes us human. In that weakness, find your strength; use it to rule with a clear and informed mind.

I miss you dearly, and I love you more than you will ever know. More than you could understand until you have children of your own. I hope old Geralt is not filling your head with too many adventures. I am proud of you.

All my love,

Your father.

A single tear landed on the paper, pulling at the ink of her father's words before she took a deep breath and banished her grief from sight. Her eyes were glassy as she folded the note and turned to the man beside her: "Thank you, Sire."

The King nodded, hesitantly patting her shoulder before standing and straightening his coat: "I had some flowers delivered to your room." His age-wrinkled brow creased with a gentle frown as he shrugged and if she hadn't known any better, she would have thought that he was unsure of himself. "They make Morgana feel better when she is ill, and I know you are not ill but..."

Arwyn smiled. Genuinely this time. Rising to her feet, she interrupted with a kind whisper: "Thank you." Before placing a chaste kiss on the man's cheek.

"Join me for lunch." Uther suggested. "I'll have the kitchens prepare something special and call for Arthur and Morgana to join us."


The table was filled with a splash of coloured fruits accompanied by various meats and breads. It was a feast and as Arwyn sank into her seat, she couldn't help but feel that it was too much. It wasn't that she did not appreciate the King's efforts but a small voice at the back of her head wanted to forget social convention and run away from it all. Hide in the woods with Falen until nightfall. The princess smiled and nodded politely as Morgana spoke about one of her potential suitors and all the gifts that he had been sending in an attempt to woo both her and her guardian. In truth, she had barely listened to a word. Finally, the door opened revealing the prince as he swanned in with an air of superiority battling with nonchalance.

"You missed the knighting ceremony this morning." His father spoke, sipping his wine as he looked down the table to his son.

Morgana glanced to her friend before turning to the young Pendragon: "And that's not the only thing you neglected."

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