chapter 5

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"No. Absolutely not." Goodwitch doesn't seem happy about Yang's choice of sparring partner. Me? To be honest, I was kinda okay with it. Not sure if this is SECOND influencing me into a situation where I'll be able to gather combat data on my new hosts, or if it's just that I'm bored, but I interrupt anyway. "Hey, I'm cool with it. When do we start?"

Goodwitch took a deep breath. "Fine. Gather whatever equipment you need, and meet in the arena in ten minutes." Yang leaves, probably to go get her stuff, but I just walk down the stands. I drop my Gauss and Majestic off with Ruby (making sure to warn her to not mess with the glowing bits on the Gauss), no need to waste ammo in a sparring match after all, and jump over the railing.

Yang shows up a few minutes later, dressed in an outfit that was... Well, let's just say it did not restrict her mobility, and leave it at that. She had a pair of bronze gauntlets on, but I was getting some weird readings from them.

Goodwitch started explaining the rules, mostly for my benefit. "Now, as you may or may not be aware, Aura is used to defend us from harm, and enhance our capabilities. We cannot keep it active permanently, though, so there is a short grace period before a match for the combatants Aura to be brought to full strength." That was good to know. Take someone by surprise, and they were just as squishy as the next guy. Give 'em a few seconds to ramp up though...

"You will not fight until the point of serious injury. An alarm will ring when the loser's Aura becomes dangerously low, and the match will end. However, Alcatraz, as you do not utilize Aura, it will be your responsibility to inform us when you can no longer continue. Are you both ready?"

We both nodded. "Good. Begin!"

We squared off, with the lights dimming in the stands, leaving the focus completely on the arena. The scoreboard had a green bar under Yang's name. I still wasn't entirely certain about how safe this whole thing was, but it sure beats the hell out of my highschool.

Yang had a wide, confident grin. "Sure you don't want to back out now, Tin Man?"

"Gimme your best shot, Goldilocks," I called back, settling into a basic defensive pose. I'd been near the top of my class in the CQC part of boot camp, and the Nanosuit had only made me better. The only thing I was worried about was not hurting her too bad.

Then, the visor managed to resolve the irregularities around her gauntlets. They were, of fucking course, shotguns.

Loaded with live 10-gauge rounds.

Then Goldilocks brings it, motherfucker.

In a maneuver that should have completely pulverized her upper skeleton, Yang fired both of her shotgauntlets backwards, launching herself towards me.

Oh, right. Bullshit Soul Magic.


I raised my forearms to block her opening swing. They caught the impact just fine, but sent me skidding backwards over the floor. I dialed up the friction on the bottom of my feet, and moved back in.

My strength with out maximum power we could trade punches on pretty equal footing. The problem was, I would run out of juice in just a few minutes if I did go in maximum power.

I change tactics, trying to avoid her hits instead of blocking them, and struck back when I could. I was faster, and reacted quicker, stronger too but only for a minute or two. I might not be taking many hits, but I was delling a lot of hits to.

Then she went Super Saiyan, and shit got serious.

Her hair caught on fire, and her eyes changed to a deep red color. She punched her fists together, and there was an actual shockwave.

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now