"You don't need makeup," Tina said firmly. "You're beautiful without any."

       Queenie grinned at her sister. "You're the best, Teenie."

       "I know I am," Tina replied jokingly.

       The sounds of the guests were starting to filter through to where they were standing, a murmur of mingled conversations lingering in the air. Tina chuckled slightly as her mind wandered to Newt, who must be close to overwhelmed by now, then immediately felt bad for not being able to help him.

       "That's okay, Teen. Newt can take care of himself," Queenie told her.

       "You're right," Tina agreed, although she glanced towards the main area once more.

       "I wonder if Jacob's ready," Queenie said anxiously. 

       "I'm sure he is," Tina reassured. "It's your wedding, after all!"

       Queenie beamed at her, and looked at herself in the mirror again, adjusting the necklace. "I'm so nervous," she confided, "but really, really excited too!"

       Tina smiled at her sister, a rush of affection flooding over her. "Don't be nervous," she said comfortingly. "Today's your big day, and I'm going to make sure you have the time of your life."

       "You're so sweet, Teenie. I don't know what I did to deserve you," Queenie said as she enveloped her in a hug.

       Tina patted her back. "You didn't have to do anything," she murmured. "I'm your sister, and I'll always be here for you."

       "I know," Queenie said softly.

       Tina would be the one to walk Queenie down the aisle today, since both of their parents had passed away due to a severe bout of Dragon Pox. The brunette didn't mind her job at all. In fact, she was glad to have a chance to play the role in such an important event in Queenie's life.

       "Come on," Tina said, smiling. "We have to be ready, the wedding will be starting at any moment."

       The voices of the guests were louder now, punctuated by the occasional laugh or chuckle. It sounded as though all of the invitees had arrived. Although there weren't many people, just Jacob's family and some friends of Queenie's from work, along with Tina and Newt, it was still a merry bunch.

       Chiming, classical, wedding music began to swell from outside under the marquee, and Queenie gasped. "That's our cue!" she whispered, her voice buzzing with anticipation.

       Tina smiled at her, and hooked her arm through her sister's. "Ready?" she asked.

       Queenie met her gaze. "Ready as I'll ever be."

       The Goldstein sisters walked through the changing room and into the marquee, where they began to head slowly down the aisle. Jacob was standing at the front, wearing a tuxedo, and an old man dressed in pastor robes was at the podium, an old book opened in front of him. Jacob's face lit up as he caught sight of Queenie, and she beamed back, equally thrilled. The guests had started clapping, and their eyes were fixed on the bride and her sister as they glided down the aisle. Wedding bells were tinkling gently in the background, accompanied by the music. Flower petals had been scattered down the aisle, courtesy of the flower girl.

      Queenie looked even more dazzling than she had been earlier, and she was positively glowing with beauty. Tina thought that she could almost see an aura of pure joy emanating off her sister, and the truest and most radiant smile was blooming across Queenie's features. They reached the front, and Tina slipped her arm away from Queenie's. The blonde paused for a moment, and locked gazes with Tina. Decades worth of memories flickered between them, filled with love and affection. Queenie's eyes were smiling, grateful, and Tina gave her a small nod, urging her to go on.

       Tina quickly sat down beside Newt in a reserved front row seat, while Queenie walked on until she was standing beside Jacob. When she reached him, it seemed as though her glow was even brighter, flooding the room with a sense of infinite happiness and love. 

       The wedding guests stopped applauding, and became quiet once Queenie and Jacob were standing beside each other. The old man in the church robes began speaking in a wheezy, but somehow still formal, voice.

       "We are gathered here today to witness the momentous union of Jacob Kowalski and Queenie Goldstein..."

       Tina could not stop smiling as she gazed at her sister and Jacob. A warm, sunny feeling coursed through her, pulsing through her veins. The two sisters had come so far, from raising each other as orphans, to seeing one of them getting married. She glanced to her side to see that Newt was grinning, too. 

       "....of two faithful souls reaching the beginning of an endless journey of love and devotion..."

       Mrs. Kowalski was crying silently into a hankercheif at the end of the row, while Mr. Kowalski had broken down completely and was sobbing on the floor, blowing his nose into his wife's hankercheif with loud, trumpeting noises. 

       "Do you, Jacob Kowalski, take Queenie Goldstein, as your wife?"

       "I do," Jacob announced loudly and firmly, beaming at Queenie.

       "And do you, Queenie Goldstein, take Jacob Kowalski as your husband?" 

       "I do," Queenie affirmed joyfully.

       "Then I declare you husband and wife."

       Queenie and Jacob kissed, and the guests burst into applause. Mr. and Mrs. Kowalski were still crying, Mr. Kowalski positively weeping now with his face in his hands. Newt was clapping vigorously beside Tina, smiling up at his two friends. As Tina clapped along fiercely, an overwhelming sense of love and pride for her sister flooded through her, and a happy tear trickled slowly down her nose, falling silently into her lap.

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